Part 5: Telling Alvin

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the Next Day... At school...

Brittany's POV:

I was walking in the halls and I saw Alvin in his locker

I ran to him

"Alvin!!" I said

He looked at me blankly

"Oh, Hi Brittany" Alvin said sadly

"I need to warn you!" I said

"About what?" Alvin asked

"ABOUT EVELYN!!" I shouted

"What about her?" Alvin asked


"So? Its not like you love me" Alvin said

"Alvin, I do love you! I only wanted space from you cause I thought you didn't love me" I said

"Brittany, You already know I love you" Alvin said with a small smile then his smile fades away

"Please Alvin you can not see Evelyn anymore I'm telling you!" I said

"Just. Leave me alone, Brittany. I don't need your protection!" Alvin said agressively

"But Alvin-"

"Stop lying, Brittany! I know you want me but making me believe that Evelyn is mean? Good luck with that!" Alvin said with sarcasm

He slammed his locker then walked away

I had tears on my eyes

Evelyn walked to me with a cheeky smile

"Well Brittany, I guess I win" Evelyn said

I looked at her

"You won't win, Evelyn!!" I shouted

"I think I've already have" Evelyn said cheekily and walked away

I looked at her with anger

"I hate her" I said to myself

At lunch...

I walked in the cafeteria

I saw Jeanette, Eleanor, Simon, Alvin and Theodore sitting in a table

I walk to them

I sat next to Jeanette and sit in front of Alvin

Alvin refused to look at me

I sighed

Evelyn came to our table

"Hi guys, can I sit here?" Evelyn asked

Me, Jeanette, Eleanor, Simon and Theodore glared at her and Alvin smiled at her

"Sur-" Alvin was cut off by Simon

"Sorry Evelyn, Our table is full" Simon said

"Oh really?" Evelyn asked and secretly pushed me out of the table and out of my seat

"ow!" I said

Jeanette, Eleanor and Theodore helped me up

"What did you do that for?!?!" Simon asked

"She didn't wanna sit here" Evelyn lied


"Someone's grumpy" Evelyn teased

"Leave us alone, Evelyn" I said

"Alvin, you'd really let them tell me to leave?" Evelyn asked Alvin

Alvin's POV:

I looked at the others then I looked at Evelyn

"I... I'm sorry, Evelyn" I said

"WHAT?!!!!!!!!!" Evelyn asked and she fell down her tray

Alvin looked at her frightened

"I HATE YOU ALVIN!!!" Evelyn yelled and walked away madly

I got up from the floor

Eleanor, Jeanette, Simon and Theodore left

I sat beside Alvin

"Alvin are you okay?" I asked

"No, I'm not!" Alvin said sadly

"Alvin, you don't need her" I said

"Yeah I do" Alvin said

"What do you even see in her?" I asked

"Prettiness" Alvin answered

"I'm pretty too and kind" I said

"Yeah, kind" Alvin said rolling his eyes

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