Part 9: Dinner (gone wrong)

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After the ride...

Alvin's POV:

We got out of the ride and got in the car

When we were walking Evelyn came in front of us with a boy holding hands


"Hi Alvin" Evelyn said

"Ugh, What do you want Evelyn?" I asked annoyed

"Like my new boyfriend? His name is Cameron" Evelyn said

"Uh, I don't care" I said

Brittany's POV:

I caught Evelyn's boyfriend AKA Cameron staring at me!

I got uncomfortable

"Uh, Me and Alvin has got to go" I said

"Why?" Evelyn asked

"Were having dinner with my brothers and Brittany's sisters" Alvin said

"Oh. You mean Jeanette, Simon, Eleanor and Theodore?" Evelyn asked

"Yeah, now bye" Alvin said and we got in the car and drove to 'The Divine Food'

We arrived and parked

We walked in and saw our siblings sitting in a table

We go to their table

I sat between Alvin and Jeanette, While Alvin sat between Me and Simon

"Hi guys" I said

Alvin's POV:

"So how was your date?" Simon asked

"We didn't even have a date we just went to the ferris wheel" I said

"How was the view?" Jeanette asked

"Beautiful" Brittany answered

"Okay. So why do you want to have dinner with us?" I asked

"Um..." Jeanette said

"To ruin your date *Covers mouth* Oops" Theodore said

"THEODORE!!" Jeanette, Simon and Eleanor shouted

"What?!" Me and Brittany said

"Sorry" Jeanette, Eleanor, Theodore and Simon said

"Why would you want to do that?" Brittany asked

"Well..." Jeanette said

"We-" Theodore was cut off by Eleanor

"Don't you dare say it, Theodore" Eleanor warned him

Theodore kept his mouth shut

"We. Didn't. Like. You. Two. Dating" Simon said

Me and Brittany looked at them blankly and shockingly

"W-What?!!!" Brittany said

A chipette came to me

"Hi, My name is Cassey. Your Alvin and The Chipmunks right? The band?" Cassey asked

(Alvin, Brittany, Simon, Jeanette, Eleanor and Theodore are not the only talking chipmunks and chipette in my book, now there's a lot)

"Yeah" I said

"That's so cool, I have a crush on you Alvin" Cassey said

I blushed

"Sorry but he's taken" Brittany said

"Oops, I am so sorry!" Cassey said and ran away

"Back to the business in hand" I said

"If you four don't like us dating then, don't see us anymore... Lets go, Alvin" Brittany said

"I'll meet you outside" I said

Brittany left the restaurant waiting for me outside

I looked at my brothers and the chipettes

"You guys are so disgraceful, Wait until I tell Dave" I said and left the restaurant

I left with Brittany

Jeanette's POV:

"That wasn't the dinner I wanted" I said

"Me too Jeanette" Theodore said

"Theo, You should stop telling the truth sometimes" Eleanor said

Theodore sighed

"Okay" Theodore said

"We should make it up to Brittany anf Alvin" Simon said

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