Part 15

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At the cafeteria...

Alvin's POV:

I saw Jeanette, Simon, Theodore and Eleanor sitting in a table

I walk to them

"Hi guys" I said

They refused to look at me or even say 'Hi' to me

"Um, Hello?" I said

Simon looked at me with a disappointed face

"Um, Simon why are you looking at me with a disappointed face?" I asked confused

"YOUR SO DUMB, ALVIN!!!! You were flirting with Evelyn who has A BOYFRIEND!!!" Eleanor shouted

"Ugh, So what? Brittany KISSED Cameron who had a girlfriend!" I said

"He has a point." Jeanette said

"No time for 'points' guys!" Eleanor said

"Careful Eleanor, your becoming like Brittany." I said

"I hate you Alvin" Eleanor whispered

Brittany came to the table and sat beside Eleanor

"Hi guys" Brittany said

I glared at her

Brittany looked frightened

"Anyways. Me, Eleanor and Brittany will just get food on the way home." Jeanette said

"Date later, Jeanette." Simon reminded her

Jeanette blushed and left with her sisters

"Alvin, Can you go apologize to Brittany please?" Simon asked

"No." I said

Theodore and Simon sighed

Sorry if its short, No ones reading it anyway😭😢

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