Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Harry and Draco duck into a side room to dodge an incoming Filch and Misses Norris. They carefully close the door, keeping their ears to the wood to listen for their pursuers passing footsteps.

Filch and Misses Norris finally pass by their hiding spot, sending Harry and Draco slumping against the doorframe.

"That was really close, Harry." Draco pants, his hands finding his knees as he bends over.

"Really, Draco? I hadn't noticed." Draco glares at his friend.

"You know, Potter, your sarcasm is not necessary."

Harry raises an eyebrow at the blond. "I think it's completely necessary, Malfoy. I'm completely defenseless without my sarcasm. It really is my only natural skill."

"First of all, you know that's not true. Second, why are we having this discussion here of all places?" Draco stands, gesturing to the room around them.

"It's us, do you really expect anything else?" Harry pushes off from the door and takes a few steps into the room, surveying the area.

Draco pauses for a moment, a thoughtful expression on his face. "You have a point." Draco sighs and follows after his friend. "Hey, look at this." Harry hears Draco walk purposefully over to something on the far side of the room.

Draco's footsteps stop, catching Harry's attention. Harry shifts his gaze over to where his best friend is standing. Draco is standing in front of a large, ornate mirror, seemingly entranced by what he sees.

"I know you're a narcissist, Draco, but really?" Harry chuckles and makes his way over to his friend, moving to stand next to him.

Draco doesn't seem to hear Harry's words and he startles when Harry comes up next to him. Harry starts to get nervous at his friend's odd behavior, especially when the boy in question begins to go pale. Well, paler than usual.

"What is it?" Harry asks and Draco glances over to him.

"You mean you can't see it?" Draco replies shakily.

"See what? All I see is you and me. Why? What are you seeing?"

"I- I see my father. He's patting me on the shoulder. He looks like he's proud of me." Draco pauses and squints at the mirror, studying it closely. "And there's something else. There are two wolves there too, off to the side. One's white and the other's black. The black one actually has a scar on its forehead, just like yours." Draco gestures to his own forehead and traces out a lightning bolt. "The black one's head is underneath the head of the white one, almost as if the white wolf is protecting the black wolf from something."

Harry looks at Draco in disbelief. "Here, move over. Maybe I have to be standing directly in front of it to see." Harry positions himself in front of the mirror as Draco steps aside.

All of a sudden the scene changes, the image of himself in the mirror blurring for a moment before solidifying into a picture of Harry standing between a woman with flaming red hair and green eyes and a man with messy black hair and glasses, just like Harry's. Harry concludes that these people must be his parents. HIs eyes open wide in shock.

"What? What do you see?"

"I see my parents... And- Well that's odd." Harry says, squinting at the surface of the mirror just as Draco had.

"What's odd?" Draco moves closer to Harry, hoping to see what Harry's talking about, but all he sees is his own face staring back at him. He huffs in frustration.

"It's the same thing you saw. The two wolves, one underneath the other."

"You're right, that is odd." Draco contemplates the implications of such a thing but comes up with nothing plausible. "What do you think it could mean?"

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