Chapter 14

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Thoughts: 'Blah. Blah. Blah.'

Flashback: Blah. Blah. Blah. ( [END]FLASHBACK before/after them)

Hedwig: "Blah. Blah. Blah."

Parseltongue: {Blah. Blah. Blah.}

Letters/Articles/Writing: Blah. Blah. Blah.


Chapter 14

A frustrated sigh is followed by the sound of a book snapping shut. Harry pushes the book, almost knocking it off the table. Draco and Harry have been in the library looking for this "Flamel" guy for weeks.

"Are you okay?" Draco asks, closing his own book as he looks up to Harry. While Draco is frustrated as well, he's a lot better at hiding it. Harry glares at him.

"No, I'm not okay. We have been looking for this 'Flamel' guy forever. How he isn't mentioned in any of the dozens of books we have already looked through, I'll never know. Seriously is he really that obscure that we can't find him in any of these books. Honestly!" Harry rants to Draco.

Hermione, who had been walking by, suddenly sits at the table saying, "Are you guys talking about Flamel? Nicholas Flamel? He was a french wizard born in the fourteenth century, supposedly immortal because of the Elixir of Life produced by the Philosopher's Stone. He also worked with Dumbledore on the 12 uses of dragon's blood, which include antiviral, fever redu-"

"Wait, wait wait. Back up. The Philosopher's Stone? Maybe the size of a small rock? Fit in a pocket-sized package?" Harry interrupted. At Hermione's confused nod Harry jumps up, "That's it! It's the only thing that could have been in the vault. Hermione you're a genius!"

"How does she know that?" Draco whispers to himself before turning to Hermione, "How do you know that?"

Hermione pulls a giant tomb out of her bag, it had to have been enchanted like the boy's bags because there was no way that book would have fit otherwise. "I read about it here, I had checked it out for a bit of light reading." She continued on, ignoring the incredulous whisper of 'light reading?' from Draco as she opened to the correct page, "See it says here that he is 'the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone, said to make the Elixir of Life and grant immortality."

"Thank you Hermione!" Harry yells as he drags Draco out of his seat and out to the hallway. "So, who would be desperate enough to try and get past a Cerberus to get to the Philosopher's Stone?"

"I don't know Harry but we will find out." Draco says pulling Harry to a stop. "Right now, we need to go finish our charms essay, our grades are more important than our investigation."

"But..." Harry starts to protest but stops at Draco's stern look. "Fine we can go do our homework."

The boys head to their dorm to find Blaise and Theo already doing theirs, joining them with a quick hello.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

The passing of a few hours finds the boys walking through the dungeons talking about their childhoods...

Well really it's Draco talking and Harry avoiding the topic as much as possible.

"Harry," Draco starts hesitantly as they enter an abandoned classroom, apparently surprising Harry if the look on his face is any indication "Will you tell me about your relatives?"

Draco had obviously said something wrong, Harry's steps falter and his face has closed off.


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