Chapter 17

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Thoughts: 'Blah. Blah. Blah.'

Flashback: Blah. Blah. Blah. ( [END]FLASHBACK before/after them)

Hedwig: "Blah. Blah. Blah."

Parseltongue: {Blah. Blah. Blah.}

Letters/Articles/Writing: Blah. Blah. Blah.


Chapter 17

Harry jerks awake as the Hogwarts Express comes to a stop at platform 9 ¾. He rubs his eyes, realizing that his glasses have seemingly disappeared into thin air... Again. Don't judge him, okay? It's not his fault that they keep running away. Honestly, he sets them down for two seconds and BAM, they've escaped into another dimension.

Harry lets out a pitiful whine as he starts patting his hands on the seat blindly, attempting to locate his wayward glasses.

"Looking for something?" Draco raises his hand to reveal Harry's glasses. Harry snatches them from Draco's grasp and quickly puts them on his face, bringing his best friend's face into focus. "And, for the record, your glasses do not run away. You just have the memory and attention span of a goldfish."

"Did you just read my mind?" Harry narrows his eyes at his friend because, honestly, he wouldn't put it past him. You never know, it very well could be a possibility. You have to keep an open mind.

"Um, what?"

"I didn't say that."

"Yes, you did. You do that quite often when you're half-awake actually. You may want to get that checked out."

"I resent that." Harry crosses his arms and sinks into his seat moodily.

"That's valid." Draco stands, raising his arms above his head, popping his shoulders. "Come on; Blaise and Theo are probably already on the platform."

"Fine." Harry stands with a huff.

"Oh, don't act like you're upset. You know I'm right." Draco hits Harry upside the head playfully, letting out an amused chuckle. Draco, the prat, uses his extra inch of height to reach up and grab Harry's trunk from the rack.

Harry grumbles something unintelligible at his friend before taking his bag and exiting their compartment, Draco trailing right behind him. They make the small trek down the train corridor toward the exit, stepping carefully down the steps, struggling with their heavy trunks.

Suddenly, Harry feels the weight of his trunk being lifted out of his hands. He looks up, getting a face full of red hair. His immediate thought is that Ron has decided to work in one more confrontation before break. As such, he reaches for his wand, only to stop in his tracks when he realizes that he's thinking of the wrong Weasley. Taking a moment to further assess the situation, Harry is pleasantly surprised to see George Weasley holding his bag and grinning from ear to ear, his brother standing behind him mirroring his expression.

"Hey guys!" Harry says cheerfully to his two favorite weasleys.

"Hi Harry," George calls.

"Need a hand?" Fred finishes, although it is clear he did considering his struggle with the trunk.

"Thanks. Are you guys excited to be going home?" Harry inquires.

The twins exchanged an conspiratorial look. "Definitely, we get to prank everybody!"

Harry laughs at the twins' exuberance. They clearly have plans for the break. "Have fun guys and don't forget to write!" he says as he reaches for a hug.

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