Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

At the end of their very eventful night the boys all trudge back to their dorms to sleep. Draco, quite shaken by the night's events, sticks close to Harry, very reluctant to let him go.

As they enter the dorm room, Draco grudgingly lets go of Harry, running his hands over him one more time to reassure himself that he is okay. "Draco, I am fine." Harry tries to reassure his friend. "Are you okay?"

"I felt your fear and panic and I was really worried. Just... just give me a minute." Draco responds absentmindedly. Harry just nods his head, allowing Draco an extra minute to observe him, loving the caring feelings that seem to emit from his best friend.

Finally, Draco pulls Harry into a hug, still getting a warm feeling from the fact that Harry doesn't flinch away from it like he had in the beginning of the year. After a minute Draco pulls back. He sees Harry's drooping eyes and with a small chuckle says, "Come on, let's get to bed. In the morning we are discussing what happened in the forest." Harry gives a quick nod, changing into his pajamas and falling into bed, asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow; Draco follows soon after.

~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~

The next morning Draco and Harry wake before the other boys, dressing quickly they head to the empty common room. Draco swiftly puts up a silencing charm that he learned from his father, giving Harry a pointed look afterwards. Harry sighs before asking, "Where do you want me to start?"

"After we split up." Draco says firmly. Harry begins weaving the story starting with the clearing, his scar burning, and Ron running like a coward, deciding to skip his panicked thoughts, and finally the quick save by the centaur.

"And that's when we met back up with you." Harry finishes.

"Do you really think it was the Dark Lord?" Draco whispers, paling.

"I can't really think of anyone else desperate enough to risk their life like that. 'Sides, who's to say Voldemort actually died that night? I mean I'm the only one who survived and considering I was a baby and only remember that night in my nightmares, there is no proof he died."

"That's not exactly a pleasant thought."

The boys sit in silence for a while, enjoying the others' presence. Harry was thinking about the miniscule flich Draco gave at the Dark Lord's name. He had noticed that some of the students did that when the name was mentioned, however rare that was, and how the wizarding world used He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named or You-Know-Who to refer to him.

"Draco, why do some people have bad reactions to Voldemort's name?" Harry inquires curiously.

"Harry, I know you didn't grow up in the Wizarding World, and that's not your fault, but you didn't hear the stories I did; The stories that every child brought up in the Wizarding World heard. The Dark Lord did very horrible things. His name evokes fear in people because of those deeds. My father told me that when his name was said, his followers would find the person who uttered it and kill them after brutally torturing them. He didn't go into details because I was so young, but he always looked horrified when he told me the stories." Draco explains patiently.

"Oh," Harry nods understandingly. "Would it make you more comfortable if I referred to him as the Dark Lord?"

"Yeah, thanks Harry." Draco replies.

The boys decided that it's time they wake the others, if they aren't awake already, so they can head to breakfast together.

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

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