Chapter 8

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Thoughts: 'Blah. Blah. Blah."

Flashback: Blah. Blah. Blah. ( [END]FLASHBACK before/after them)

Hedwig: "Blah. Blah. Blah."

Parseltongue: {Blah. Blah. Blah.}

Letters/Articles/Writing: Blah. Blah. Blah.


Chapter 8

The rest of the ride is spent making small conversation, broken by the quick announcement that the train would be arriving in Hogsmeade in 10 minutes. Harry leaves the compartment to change. He doesn't want Draco to see the scars and still healing wounds, courtesy of his uncle, that scatter his back.

When he returns, Draco has changed and is petting his owl, Loki, who is perched on his knee. Hedwig, who had chosen to stay in the compartment during the ride, just like Loki, is perched on Draco's shoulder, seemingly comfortable there. As he opens the door, she flies to him, greeting him with an affectionate nip and a soft, "Hello, Hatchling." (He had asked her to not call him "Little Master", hence the new title). Harry reaches up, giving her a small pat on her head, sitting down to wait for the train to come to a stop.

The train gives a small jerk as it comes to a stop at Hogsmeade station. Draco and Harry exit the train and meet with Draco's friends on the mostly empty platform, having waited for the train to clear out before leaving the compartment. Draco sends Loki off to the owlery. Harry is trying to do the same but Hedwig refuses, with an indignant, "I thought you said that I wasn't a pet, Hatchling. If that is true, then you will not be sending me to that... place.", in response, of course he had to be destined for the sassy and prideful familiar. And as much as he hates to admit it, their personalities do fit. Harry's wit (he will not be calling it sass) matching well with Hedwig's.

"Firs' years, over here! Firs' years!" Hagrid calls, holding a lamp over his head. Harry follows the group toward the giant. "Alright there, Harry?" Hagrid asks as he notices Harry in the small group.

Harry gives a small smile and nod in return, not wishing to draw too much attention to himself. Still, Hagrid gives Harry's little group a once over, narrowing his eyes in disapproval. He begins to say something, but must think better of it. Once the platform is empty, except for the group of 11 year olds, he turns and proceeds to lead the large group down a slippery slope.

After travelling a bit, Hagrid calls over his shoulder, "Yeh'll be gettin' yer firs' look at Hogwarts. Right o'vr this hill 'ere."

As one, which was a little creepy if Harry was being honest, the first years raise their heads, letting out gasps at the magnificent structure that sits on the top of a rocky cliff. Pointed, stone towers stand proudly against the night sky. The monotony of the dull coloured stone is broken by the occasional light from one of the many windows situated throughout the structure. Directly below the castle, the gentle waves of the lake glisten in the light of the moon, the calm water occasionally disturbed by a small splash. Although the cause of the disturbances is unconfirmed, Harry theorizes that it may have been caused by the large squid that was said to live in the lake. He has heard about the squid from Draco, who had stated that the squid can sometimes be seen from the slytherin common rooms, which are located in the dungeons underneath the lake itself.

After the brief pause, which was taken to admire the castle, they proceed down the hill, coming to a stop at the edge of the lake. It is lined with boats bobbing in the soft waves that are elegantly kissing the shore.

"No more'n four to a boat!" Hagrid announces, climbing into a boat in the middle of the small fleet. Harry and Draco climb into one and are quickly joined by Blaise and Theo. Hedwig decides to fly over the lake, leaving with a parting nip on his ear. Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, and another girl, he assumes Pansy knows her because they start talking, have taken the boat to the right of theirs.

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