Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Harry and Draco find themselves standing under the invisibility cloak in front of an ominous door at the end of the forbidden third floor corridor, looking at each other with uncertainty.

"Are we really going to do this?" Draco asks in a hushed whisper.

"Yes; We have to. I've seen Voldemort, Draco, and I'm sure he's only been growing stronger since then. And think about it, if there was ever a time for him to take the Stone, it's now. Dumbledore's gone, he knows how to get past Fluffy, and it's almost the end of the year. He's been preparing all this time, and I just have this feeling that he's ready to do this, and he's going to do it tonight." Draco says nothing, but still looks uncertain. "The closer we got to this door, the more my scar has started burning. That can't be a coincidence."

"But can't someone else do it? I mean, we're just kids, Harry. What can we do?"

"We can do enough. None of the teachers will believe us. Well, other than Snape that is."

"Wait, what do you mean? Snape told us to drop it." Draco says, confused.

"Do you remember what he said to us right before we left his office?"

"Yeah, something about chess, right?"

"Exactly! It's the way he said it, Draco. And the look he gave me. He said that he couldn't do anything, even if he did believe us. He must be under strict orders from Dumbledore, or something of the sort. He wants us to do this. He-" Harry stops speaking abruptly, a realization forming in his mind.

"What?" Draco asks.

"He's going to get Dumbledore." Harry utters breathlessly, the weight of his revelation washing over Draco and him. "That brilliant, conniving, prat! He knows something we don't, something that's big enough to make him completely confident that we won't be killed."

"You're right!" And suddenly, everything clicks into place. "He wouldn't just put a burden like this on two first years if he didn't have a plan. In fact, it's entirely possible that he's known about our investigation of the Stone for quite some time. And you know what else? I think I have an idea about what test he set up to protect the Stone."

Harry looks shocked. "What, how?"

"He's a potions master, Harry. And he's a Slytherin. He must have set up some sort of logic puzzle, and if I'm right, it'll be something that has to do with potions. And I'm sure it's something he thinks we know, otherwise he would have never let us leave his office. Harry, this is brilliant!" Draco's eyes light up, his expression ecstatic.

"Draco Malfoy, you... are a genius." Harry is beaming right along with Draco, despite the arduous and dangerous task ahead of them. 'We have a plan. We can do this, I know we can.'

After a moment of contemplative silence, Harry reaches out to grasp the doorknob in his right hand, turning it slowly.

"It's unlocked." Harry points out, this fact further reinforcing his theory that someone has already begun searching for the Stone.

Harry slowly pushes the door open and the two boys are immediately met with soft music that is being played from a golden harp on the side of the room.

"We were right, someone's already been here." Draco whispers in Harry's ear. He receives a nod in return.

"Come on." Harry urges, tiptoeing to the trap door which is underneath Fluffy's massive paws. "Here, help me with this."

Draco comes up next to Harry, taking hold of one of the beast's paws while Harry takes the other. They quickly remove the paws from the trap door, setting them down as gently as possible. Harry and Draco wait a moment, holding their breath as they observe Fluffy's sleeping form, looking for any sign of him waking from his slumber.

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