Chapter 7

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Thoughts: 'Blah. Blah. Blah."

Flashback: Blah. Blah. Blah. ( [END]FLASHBACK before/after them)

Hedwig: "Blah. Blah. Blah."

Parseltongue: {Blah. Blah. Blah.}

Letters/Articles/Writing: Blah. Blah. Blah.

Thank you to everyone who comments on our story and points out any mistakes we make. The encouragement is amazing and much appreciated. Just wanted to say that sooo, on with the story!


Chapter 7

Harry finds himself swept up in the hustle and bustle of the train station. He's been abandoned by Hagrid... again. He is seriously starting to lose his patience. "I am eleven years old, how the bloody hell am I supposed to know my way around a train platform?" Harry mutters under his breath. He isn't angry with the half-giant, not really. It's not his fault that Albus Dumbledore, the man Hagrid is hopelessly devoted to, seems to enjoy being the direct cause of child endangerment. Furthermore, as far as Harry is aware, Platform 9 ¾ doesn't exist. His previously dispelled doubts about all of this being one big cosmic joke are starting to reappear.

Harry looks down at his cracked watch. It's 10:00 and he's supposed to meet Draco and his family on the platform in fifteen minutes. He's about to go up to one of the station guards, no doubt to make a complete ass of himself, when he spots a familiar platinum blonde striding confidently toward him. 'Like my very own knight in shining armor.' Harry resists the urge to laugh, deciding against looking like a maniac in public... This time. Draco's eyes meet his, and he feels the relief wash over him in waves.

"There you are! When you didn't show up on time we were worried. I figured that you must have had to come through the muggle way so I convinced mother and father to let me come out and look for you." Draco pauses for a moment to look around, "And where is the half-breed? There's no way you would have found the platform on your own. Absolutely ridiculous." Draco shakes his head.

'Late?' Harry questions to himself, 'When I'd checked last I had fifteen minutes.' Harry looks back down at his cracked, and now apparently broken, watch. He looks back up to meet Draco's eyes once more, " Well thank you for coming to get me, Draco. We should go before your mother and father start to worry."

"You're right. Follow me." Draco turns abruptly, expecting Harry to meet his stride. They walk side-by-side until they reach a brick column sitting in between platforms nine and ten. Draco glances as Harry expectantly, but Harry can see his expression change from expectant to exasperated when he realizes, "I keep on forgetting that you were raised by muggles." The blonde rolls his eyes and begins to explain to Harry how to get onto the platform. "All you have to do is clear your mind, and walk directly at the column. I recommend a brisk walk, personally. It can be a bit nerve wracking the first few times." Draco then proceeds to demonstrate. He walks toward the column, but when he reaches it, instead of running into the column's hard, brick surface, he passes right through it. Harry's eyes widen and he gulps, feeling his nerves spike. He gets ahold of himself and does exactly what Draco told him to do, closing his eyes at the last moment.

When he reopens his eyes Harry is met with a smiling Draco Malfoy standing in front of his parents. Lucius nods at Harry in acknowledgement while Narcissa smiles warmly.

Harry looks at his surroundings in awe. Right above the entrance, a sign sits, reading "Platform 9 ¾" and right below it a clock reads 10:45. In front of Harry is a big, scarlet train, with a sign reading "Hogwarts Express." As he continues to look around, he notices families coming out of the fireplaces that are placed along one wall, he assumes that they're using the floo network he had read about last night. There are hundreds of people on the platform. Children are running around, animals following them, while parents watch fondly.

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