Chapter 15

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Thoughts: 'Blah. Blah. Blah.'

Flashback: Blah. Blah. Blah. ( [END]FLASHBACK before/after them)

Hedwig: "Blah. Blah. Blah."

Parseltongue: {Blah. Blah. Blah.}

Letters/Articles/Writing: Blah. Blah. Blah.


Chapter 15

Harry can't breathe. He takes note of this fact quite quickly after he regains consciousness. There is a pressure on his chest which must be the source of his current dilemma. However, and this is the most pressing issue: He must open his eyes to solve the mystery that is his current inability to take in oxygen. And that, that just won't do. 'I guess today is the day I die. So long cruel world, take me away from this mortal plain of existence.' Suddenly he feels a pecking on his forehead. 'Oh.' Yes, yes, he knows. Stop being melodramatic, Harry. Start being concerned about your own health, Harry. Be normal, Harry. Blah, blah, blah. Rubbish, all of it.

Harry cracks an eye open, attempting to put as much heat and aggression as possible into his one-eyed glare. From Harry's perspective, he is absolutely terrifying. From everyone else's perspective, he just looks like an idiot. "What." Harry's words are full of malice and directed towards the creature who has just pulled him from his blissful slumber.

"Nothing. I just felt like annoying you for some reason." Hedwig preens, laughing at Harry and his ineffective scare tactics.

"I hope you know how much I hate you." Harry shoos Hedwig from his chest and sits up, checking the time which reads 6:04 am.

"Aw, Hatchling, I love you too." Hedwig trills loudly.

"Hush, would you? If you wake the others up there'll be hell to pay." Harry quickly shushes his familiar, hoping to avoid any sort of conflict with an enraged, sleep deprived Draco Malfoy. Been there, done that, have the postcard.

Harry decides that there is no use trying to fall back asleep. Either way, Harry has the distinct feeling that Hedwig won't let him and will probably end up sitting on his face this time instead of his chest just to prove a point. Which Harry understands. If he were an owl, he would probably do the same thing. Don't question it, just walk away and accept the crazy.

Harry actually hasn't spent much time with his familiar since school began. With his investigation into Nicholas Flamel, on top of the mounds of homework his professors seem to enjoy dishing out, he just hasn't been able to find a moment of peace. Now that he thinks about it, this is probably why Hedwig woke him up like this. 'Great, an intervention. Just what I need.' If Harry had the energy to roll his eyes he would, but as it is he is just too tired for his sarcasm to function properly. It's a shame, really. He'll probably look back on this morning later today and find dozens of missed opportunities.

Harry fumbles his way out of bed and pads down to the deserted Slytherin common room, Hedwig trailing behind him. He sits at his usual spot by the fireplace and makes himself comfortable as Hedwig takes her place on his shoulder. Through their bond, Harry feels an underlying hint of unease among Hedwig's usual mischievous personality.

"So what's really going on?" Harry asks, his voice barely above a whisper in an attempt to keep everyone soundly in their beds.

"We are stronger together, Hatchling. Your understanding of this is more important now than it has ever been. Your enemies are closing in, ready to block you off on all sides and I won't be able to help you unless you trust me." Hedwig turns her intelligent amber eyes toward Harry as she speaks, further enforcing her stern declaration.

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