Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

By the time Harry is released from the hospital wing, he has just enough time to run back to the Slytherin dorms to change into his school robes. Harry and Draco make it to the Great Hall with about eight minutes to spare.

When Harry and Draco walk in, every eye is immediately on them, all heads turned and all conversations silenced. The attention makes Harry slightly uncomfortable, but he refuses to show weakness in front of the entire school. As such, he begins to stride confidently over to the Slytherin table, noticing along the way that the Great Hall is adorned with Ravenclaw banners, indicating that Ravenclaw has won the House Cup.

The heavy silence fades almost as quickly as it came, leaving Harry walking through the Hall to the sound of dull conversation. Suddenly, a voice cuts through the din of conversation, gaining both Harry and Draco's attention.

"Oi, Potter! How does it feel to have lost the House Cup? With your ego, it must feel pretty terrible." Harry comes to a dead stop, instantly recognizing the grating voice of Ron Weasley.

Draco whips around faster than Harry's ever seen him move before. Seething, he says, "What did you just say?"

"You heard me." Weasley says, getting up from his seat and coming to stand in front of Harry and Draco, practically nose to nose with the blond. "You didn't win." Weasley punctuates each of his words with an index finger to Draco's chest. At this point, both of the Slytherin's tempers are flaring dangerously.

Harry moves forward, but he is stopped by Draco's hand on his arm, holding him back. "I've got this one."

Harry examines the hard set of Draco's jaw and the coldness in his eyes before deciding to give into his best friend's request. He backs up a few steps, just enough to give Draco his space, but not enough to keep him from being able to get to Draco in time if anything happens.

"Well, neither did you, Weasel. And, just in case you haven't noticed, or you've forgotten basic mathematics, Slytherin scored higher than Gryffindor. So, if I were unfortunate enough to be you, I would shut my mouth before embarrassing myself further." Draco is using his patented snobby aristocratic tone; The one he reserves for people who are being particularly annoying or stupid.

"What? I- You're... What did you just call me?!" Ron sputters indignantly, his face turning a brilliant shade of red that rivals his exotic hair colour.

"Just sit down, Weasley. Every time you open your mouth you lower the reputation of your entire house."

Ron goes to lunge at Draco, ready to use their close proximity to gain the upper hand, but he is halted by Hermione jumping in between them. She puts a hand to Ron's chest, holding him back as she stands in front of Draco protectively. She glances back at Draco to find him staring at her in shock. She turns back and fixes Ron with an icy glare.

"He's right, Ronald. Just let it go." Hermione's voice is light in tone, but it carries over to where Weasley's friends are sitting and gaping at the bushy haired girl.

Weasley snaps his mouth shut, grinding his teeth together angrily. He scoffs, then turns on his heels, trudging back over to his seat at the Gryffindor table.

Once Weasley is seated, Hermione turns to Harry and Draco, her eyes softening considerably as she gives them a sheepish smile.

"That's the second time you've saved our butts, Hermione. I'm starting to sense a pattern here." Harry teases, transforming Hermione's sheepish smile into an amused grin.

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