Chapter 9

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A/N:We did not write the Hogwarts class schedule. All credit goes to the owner/s.

Thoughts: 'Blah. Blah. Blah."

Flashback: Blah. Blah. Blah. ( [END]FLASHBACK before/after them)

Hedwig: "Blah. Blah. Blah."

Parseltongue: {Blah. Blah. Blah.}

Letters/Articles/Writing: Blah. Blah. Blah.


Chapter 9

Harry and Draco spend the last few days before term getting to know each other better and exploring the castle. Harry learns about Draco's first time flying on a broom. Apparently, he had fallen off and broken his arm only moments after lift off. Draco, on the other hand, learns of the abuse Harry had suffered at the hands of the Dursleys. At least he learns part of it, Harry has left out some of the more violent details. Needless to say, the past week has strengthened their friendship considerably, helping them to reach a comfort level that only best friends can achieve.

Harry also became a bit closer with his other roommates, Blaise and Theo. His other roommate being Draco, making four roommates in total. The other boys room consists of Crabbe and Goyle which, in all honesty, is not the best idea. But, Harry loves his room assignment, so the chaos is a necessary evil.

Now though, after being shook awake by a disheveled Draco Malfoy, he realizes that the time for leisure is over. One of the rules that had been laid out by Professor Snape on their first night at Hogwarts had been that keeping up with classes was a top priority. If you did not, then you would be tarnishing the Slytherin reputation. So, naturally, Harry absolutely needs to be the best. The hat had been right in saying that he had a "thirst to prove himself".

Harry finally rolls out of bed, feet hitting the floor with a dull thud. "Not a morning person?" He hears... someone say to him. He's not sure who, and at the moment, his sleep addled brain doesn't care. He opens his eyes, ready to annihilate any and all who stand between him and his bed. Until he sees Draco standing next to him, smirking in obvious amusement. His rage quickly fades into the background. Draco or Sleep? There isn't even a choice there. He'll choose Draco. Every. Single. Time.

"I... not really, no. I usually have to be because of the Dursleys, but without them looming over me I could probably sleep 'til noon." Harry rubs his eyes and then begins to feel around on the bedside table for his glasses. When he doesn't find them he starts to panic. That is, until Draco holds them up to his face, putting them on for him. Harry blushes, "Um. Thanks." Draco smiles at him.

"I figured the panic at losing your glasses would get you moving, Potter." Draco says, still smirking. Only now, Harry can see his smirk better. Within that smirk Harry sees affection and humor. They haven't known each other for long, but already the two are absolutely inseverable. Harry will be there for Draco and Draco will be there for Harry. That's how it will always be. No matter what.

Harry blinks, movements still sluggish from sleep. "I mean, you're not wrong. But you're not exactly right either." Harry smiles and walks away from Draco. He goes to the foot of his bed and gets his school uniform out of his trunk(Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy) and goes into the unoccupied restroom to change. When he comes back out, everyone is in the process of gathering their school books.

Harry meanders back over to his trunk, having already put his books in his messenger bag(Once again, Harry sends a silent thank you to the Malfoys). Harry grabs his messenger bag and stands back upright, inspecting the room. He'll never get over how big and elegant it is. The Slytherin First Year room is covered in emerald green and silver furnishings. Like the common room, there is a Slytherin House Banner on the wall opposite from the door. The room is square and has four beds, one in each corner of the room. Each of their beds has a black and silver frame with an emerald green curtain attached for privacy purposes.

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