Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Harry has been at the Malfoy’s for a few days now, and he can say for certain that they have been some of the best days of his life. He never would have thought that something as simple as sitting down together at a dinner table could be so enjoyable. 

It’s midafternoon and Harry is seated in the library waiting for Lucius to arrive. The books the Malfoy patriarch has provided for him to study have given Harry a glimpse of magic in its entirety, not just the parts the Hogwarts staff has deemed acceptable to teach. 

Harry looks up from his book as Lucius sweeps into the room, acknowledging him with a brief nod. Lucius takes the seat across from Harry, reciprocating his greeting. 

“Have you read through the books I left for you?”

“Yes, I have.” Harry answers, pulling out a sheet of parchment that he has filled with questions. "I am quite interested in the topic of Dark Magic. Specifically why it's been deemed corruptive and evil. It seems to me that it is merely another form of magic." 

Lucius takes a moment to consider Harry's words. "I am rather surprised at your interest in this topic. However, I am not disappointed. The topic of Dark Magic is rather interesting and I will gladly answer any questions you may have." Harry smiles at the prideful tone of Lucius' voice. "To address your previous question, Dark Magic is a powerful form of Magic that is usually intended to cause harm. Take the unforgivable curses as an example. However, there are many other uses for it. 

“Magic such as this is directly related to intention. If you intend to use it to harm others, then it would be safe to say that the magic is “evil”, as so many put it. However, if your intention is to help someone the magic can no longer be considered evil. Thus meaning that the affiliation of Dark Magic depends solely on the caster’s intention and force of will.

“Now, make no mistake, Dark Magic can corrupt. Dark Magic is power, and power is enticing to any and all who wish for success. Therefore, I caution you, Harry, to think about where this power will take you before you partake in magic of this form. The path to the light holds many twists, turns, and obstacles, while the path that leads to the dark is unencumbered and inviting, luring unsuspecting wizards into its domain and claiming them for its own. Do not allow yourself to become one of those wizards, Harry. I expect great things from you. I believe you are destined to overcome the darkness. But first, you must take control of your life, Harry. By any means necessary.”

~~~Time Skip~~~

“Come on!” Draco drags out the “n” to an obnoxious degree, making Harry roll his eyes.

“I just don’t see why this is necessary.” Harry begrudgingly follows his best friend down the hallway to where Narcissa is waiting for them. He is dragging his feet across the floor, producing an annoying scuffing noise that echoes through the hall.

“Necessary? It’s not necessary, but it’s fun.” Draco continues walking, Harry groaning behind him.

“Shopping is not what I’d constitute as fun, Draco.” Harry’s exasperation shines through in his tone.

“Well obviously you’ve never shopped with a Malfoy before.”

“That would be correct.” 

Draco snorts at Harry’s comment. “Don’t try to be cute, Harry. The look really doesn’t suit you.” 

They reach the main atrium, still bickering. Apparently Harry hadn’t taken well to Draco’s beautifully constructed and altogether devastating comment… Who could’ve guessed.

Nacissa clears her throat, gaining the attention of the bickering pair. “Are you boys ready?”

“Absolutely!” Draco replies immediately, his back straightening slightly in excitement. 

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