Chapter 11

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Thoughts: 'Blah. Blah. Blah."

Flashback: Blah. Blah. Blah. ( [END]FLASHBACK before/after them)

Hedwig: "Blah. Blah. Blah."

Parseltongue: {Blah. Blah. Blah.}

Letters/Articles/Writing: Blah. Blah. Blah.


Chapter 11

"Up!" Multiple shouts fill the air as the Slytherin and Gryffindor students try to make their brooms rise into their hands. Some students' brooms, like Harry and Draco's, eagerly answer their call. Other's brooms seem to dislike them, like Weasley's, evident by the broom hitting him in the face when it rises from the ground. And finally some students' brooms don't even twitch, like Granger's. After ten minutes Madame Hooch calls for her students to mount their brooms and hover for a few moments before touching down safely.

Once again, Harry and Draco's brooms do exactly what they wanted them to, rising elegantly into the air and waiting for Madam Hooch's command to land. Most of the others had trouble keeping their brooms stable, wobbling in the air like a newborn deer. And then there was Granger, who once again couldn't get her broom to do anything. She remained on the ground, as per Madam Hooch's request where she stated something about the possibility of permanent injury or death. Isn't that lovely.

The rest of the class went well. That is, if you call Neville losing control of his broom and breaking his wrist doing well. He was immediately taken to Madam Pomfrey and the class was dismissed early.

Now, Harry and Draco find themselves walking down to Hagrid's hut.

"Why are we doing this again?" Draco huffs in annoyance as they walk down the steep hill to Hagrid's.

"Because this is important to me and I told him I would stop by. Besides, I'm not forcing you to come with me." Harry shoots back at Draco. Draco says nothing, but continues to walk with Harry.

They reach the hut and knock on the door, waiting for the half-giant to answer. The door cracks open slightly and Hagrid says, "Oh! Harry! Come in, come in." He ushers Harry in, stopping for a moment when he sees Draco hovering behind Harry. "You brought your friend."

"I hope that's okay, Hagrid." Harry says sheepishly, trying to look as innocent as possible.

Hagrid stops to think for a moment before exclaiming, "Of course that's okay!" If Harry hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would think that Hagrid is incapable of anger or annoyance in any form. But he does know better. Hagrid's encounter with the Dursleys taught him that. Luckily, the half-giant seems to have taken a liking to Harry, a sentiment which Harry hopes he will feel for Draco soon enough. Now all Harry has to do is get the blonde pureblood to behave. Which, in all honesty, is easier said than done.

Hagrid's hut is boiling. Harry feels himself begin to sweat within moments of entering. Other than that, the hut is quite homey. It is small, of course, by definition. But Hagrid seems to have made great use of the space, making it feel lived in, but not too cluttered. Harry notices a cauldron sitting over a fire located opposite the entrance.

"Come sit down. I was just making tea." Hagrid walks over and grabs three mugs from one of the cabinets and fills it with a strong smelling liquid, supposedly tea. He brings them over to the table where Harry and Draco are seated. "So, what did ya want t' talk 'bout?"

"Actually, I wanted to ask you about the package you picked up for Dumbledore at Gringotts." Harry questions nonchalantly, trying not to spook Hagrid, who may shut down Harry's questions at the first sign of trouble.

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