Chapter XXI

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It took about seven seconds for Kurapika to realize what he had just done. He legs crumbled beneath him, ‘what’s wrong with me!? I don’t deserve her… why would I do that when I promised I’d never hurt her…’ He had panicked and now he was paying the price. She would probably never talk to him again.

Big salty tears began flowing from his eyes. He whimpered, ‘why can’t I do anything right’ he thought bitterly.

Meanwhile, Yui was wandering the halls. She felt like her heart had been ripped out – why didn’t he trust her… no, don’t think like that, she said to herself, he needs you. It was not his fault… yet why did it hurt like this?

“What should I do?” she mumbled.

Without knowing it she had reached her friend’s room, she knocked on the door crying.

“Yui?” Leorio’s eyes widened when he saw her tearstained face. He quickly put his arms around her shaking body, “hey, it’s okay, Yui. Come on in, I’ll make you some tea”

~ time skip ~

“Thank you for talking with me Leorio.”

“I am always here”

Yui got up to leave the room when she tripped on the sofa falling to the ground with a big thump, ‘ugh! I am so clumsy,’ she thought annoyed, ‘…but I don’t feel hurt anywhere?’

She had fallen on the floor but Leorio was holding her. In the moment she fell, he had grabbed her so she wouldn’t get hurt.

“I am sorry,” she mumbled hastily.

Leorio laughed, “Are you alright?”

“Y… yes…”

“I am glad … Kurapika would murder me if you were hurt,”

Though Leorio had only moved to protect Yui, the position they were in, made it look like he had pushed her down. Their faces were very close and Yui could feel his breath on her face. A little closer and their lips would meet.

At that moment the door flew open and Kurapika ran in with a terrifying expression, “Yui!” he yelled. Seeing their position his eyes turned scarlet. He pulled Yui roughly away from Leorio and growled “She is mine and if I ever see you touch her again …” he struggled with his words, “I will kill you.”

“Kurapika!” Yui exclaimed

He glanced at her before uttering, “Let’s go.”

He pulled her arm very hard and hurried out of the room. Quickly he wrapped his arms around her delicate frame lifting her up, bridal style, “Kurapika!” she yelled again punching him on his chest but he ignored her words and carried her into his room locking the door behind them. The he threw her onto the bed.

“Eek!” she shrieked.

“What did he do to you? How far did he go!?”


“Did he kiss you!? Did he… !?” saying this with a scared face he began groping at her clothes, “Tell me … ! What did you let him do!?”

“We just… It-..” the entire situation baffled Yui. She had never seen Kurapika this outraged and it both intrigued and scared her, “he didn’t really do anything!” she tried but Kurapika’s face soon matched his eyes.

“Didn’t really!? What does that mean!? What did he do!?” he yelled, “did he do this?” he muttered unclothing her chest, kissing her naked upper body.

“Kurapika…” Yui blushed. She couldn’t see anything but she knew the lights were on, ‘this is so embarrassing,’ she thought squirming trying to hide her chest with her hands.

“You’re mine, Yui,” he pinned both of her wrist to the bed so she couldn’t cover herself up.

“Let me go… this is so embarrassing… Kurapika, please …!”

“Your skin. Your eyes. Your lips. They’re all mine!” he kissed her lips as if biting them.

Yui felt a chill run down her spine, “s… stop,” she moaned unwillingly

“I will erase every trace of his touch from your body,” he hissed, “with my mouth!” he trailed her naked breasts with kisses ripping her pants revealing her naked thighs.

“Kurapika… I can’t-..” she stopped midsentence shivering with an unknown pleasure, “I am telling you, we didn’t do anything!” she shrieked as he moved his way up her thighs.

The man she loved more than life itself hesitated and she used this opportunity to get on top of him, “I love only you!” she mouthed, “I am yours and you are mine. Leorio and I didn’t do anything. He caught me because I tripped over the sofa,” she blushed.

Immediately Kurapika returned to his normal calm self. He cursed silently at his own stupidity and sat up; “how come when it comes to you I just my calm completely?” he exhaled deeply looking sad.

Yui smiled happily embracing him from behind resting her head on his shoulder, “I love you, Kurapika”

He sighed content, “I am such an idiot… sorry”

“It’s fine”

Suddenly, an idea popped up in his head and he smiled widely, “I guess you owe me now,” he whispered wickedly.


He turned to look at her with a mischievous grin playing on his lips, “You owe me for making me feel this way, for making me go mad like this”

“I owe you?”

“Yes,” he grabbed her by her cheeks drawing her face closer putting his mouth near her ear. His warm breath made her shiver with anticipation, “You are mine. Only mine. To prove this I am going to make love to you tonight… I am going to make love to you until you break”


i am so nervous... i feel like the story isn't as good as it used to be... and i feel so bad because almost all of my updates are late - please tell me what you think because i am kind of having a writers crisis D:


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