Chapter XI

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“If you want, you can stay with Seaquant and me while you train?” Zebro smiled sweetly.

“Really!” Gon looked so happy, “Thank you, Zebro-san!” he said and bowed politely.

“Where do you live?” Kurapika asked.

“In a little hut in there,” Zebro gestured towards the door.

“But we can’t open the door!?” Leorio complained with wild gestures.

“Don’t worry. I’ll open it this time,” Yui smiled and walked over to the door while getting ready!

“What!? But you can’t!” Kurapika protested grabbing her by the arm.

Yui’s heart skipped a beat at the sudden touch making Kurapika let her go, “Why not?”

“Uh… It’s-.. Uhm.. It’s dangerous,” he stated.

Yui pouted, “don’t worry, Kurapika, I am a big girl,” she then smiled embracing him shortly. Kurapika looked at the ground with a slight pink tint in his cheeks.

She wanted to impress them so she changed her aura feeling the power flowing through her veins like a river and with one movement, all seven doors opened with crack!

Her friends gaped at her with open mouths before coming back to their senses, “sugoi Yui! You’re like superwoman!” Gon exclaimed laughing and they entered.

~ time skip while they train – it’s the night before they manage to open the door ~

Yui and Kurapika had been reading together all evening. At first, Kurapika had protested but after Yui had pleaded for several minutes, he at last gave in. Now the blind girl was about to fall asleep next to him. Putting down the book Kurapika looked at her sleeping face, ‘what are these feeling?’ he thought to himself while playing with her hair. Carefully he slid away from beneath her and wrapped her gently in a blanket.

“So beautiful,” he mumbled kissing her lightly on her forehead.

Yui’s lips parted in a smile, “Kurapika,” she whispered. Immediately all of his blood rushed to his face and he blushed furiously.

“I’m sorry” he hurried and ran out of the room, ‘what are you doing, Kurapika?’

Yui sat in the bed with her emotions in complete disarray, ‘why is he toying with me like this?’ she thought. A little later, she tried to talk to him again but he was distant and ignored her.

“What is this feeling?” Yui mumbled as her legs gave in and she landed on the floor of the bathroom with a thump, “it feels like my heart is breaking into little pieces and suddenly I can’t find my breath”. Slowly tears began to fall down her face and she sobbed loudly.


She looked up from the floor and felt the calming presence of Kurapika; she tried to say something but choked on her words.

“What’s wrong Yui?” he tried and sat down next to her.

“I’m sorry-… sob… it’s nothing” she managed.

“You’re sitting alone on the floor of the bathroom, tell me what’s wrong!”

She smiled sadly, “I am in love with this person but he avoids me and I don’t know what to do…”

His eyes took a slight red colour, ‘who is this person?’ he thought angrily, ‘how dare he make her cry!?’. He embraced her and her heart skipped a few beats, “if he doesn’t realize that he is the luckiest man on earth having your love, then he’s an idiot. Please don’t be sad!”

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