Prologue IV

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Age: Nearly 8 years

“Osu!” Yui clapped her hands together and bowed to her teacher, Father Daisuke.

“Impressive, Yui”, he smiled and she stood up straight holding her hand out to her best friend, Isamu, whom she had just defeated in close combat.

“Thanks, Yui,” the novice smiled, “you’re getting stronger by the day”

Yui smiled brightly, “or maybe you’re just getting weaker?”

“You’re such an idiot,” Isamu answered hugging her

“Yui, Makoto-sama would like to speak with you,” a monk walked into the yard where they had been training.

“Hai,” the girl quickly dusted off her clothes before proceeding inside. Since learning Nen she no longer needed her walking stick. She felt freer but was still anxious… what if she ever lost her Nen? She shook her head trying to think of something else. Wonder what Makoto-sama wanted to tell her?

She slid open the door to the old monk’s room and walked inside, “you wanted to see me, Makoto-sama,” she chirped with a smile.

“Yes. Please sit down,” Makoto looked seriously at the young girl and though she could not see how his brows furrowed she felt it in the air.

“Is something wrong, Makoto-sama?” she asked as she sat down on a pillow opposite him.

He cleared his throat before continuing, “Yui, what do you know of your life before you came to this temple?”

She hesitated before saying, “I know that some bad men took my eyes before leaving me here… but sometimes I dream of my mother,” she smile at the memory, “she had black hair like me and pretty scarlet eyes… why do you ask?”

“I want to tell you of your family, Yui”

The girl didn’t say anything, she just waited patiently for him to continue. Makoto smiled and a sad memory flashed before his old eyes.

“You come from a clan called the Kurta. Your clan’s eyes are known as one of the most beautiful things in the world. They turn scarlet when you experience serious emotions. That is why the bad men took them from you. They wanted to sell them,” he hesitated to see her reaction but she remained silent as ever, “when you came here I began to search for your family but by then it was too late. They were all murdered just a few after years after you arrived here. There is another clan of the Kurta, it is the last one remaining. Of course, we thought about bringing your there but by then we were all so taken in by your kindness and innocence. I am sorry, Yui. Can you forgive me?”

Yui smiled at the old man, “this is my home, Makoto-sama,” she looked down for a moment, “thank you for everything you have done for me,” tears were forming and wetting her bandages, “thank you,” she uttered again before embracing the old man.

~ time skip ~

“You better write to me, Yui,” Isamu was crying as he held onto his best friend, “if you don’t I will hunt you down and slap you”

Yui laughed heartily as tears streamed down her face, “don’t worry, I will write… but only if you do,” Yui had decided to visit the place where she was born before going to Heaven’s Arena to train. She didn’t want to leave but space was getting scarce since new orphans kept coming in and she was old enough to take of herself. She was almost eight. She could do this.

“Goodbye, Yui. It’s gonna get boring without you here,” Father Hiroshi picked up the girl he considered a daughter holding her close, “I’m gonna miss you, little one,” he whispered

“I’m gonna miss you too, dad,” she said so only he could hear it.

Hiroshi put her down as Father Makoto emerged from the temple, “here is all I could muster, little one,” he held out a small purse with coins, “now you behave well and stay strong. The next time we see you, you will have grown into a strong, beautiful woman, huh!?” he smiled.

“Osu!” she clapped her hands together bowing to her teacher, “goodbye everyone!” she said before embarking on a new adventure.

~ time skip ~

“The burial ground is that way,” the man pointed in direction of the forest and blushed when he realized that the girl before him was blind, “oh-.. I am sorry, I didn’t-“

“Okay, thank you,” the girl interrupted with a smile and turned to walk the way he had just pointed out.

“How?” the man whispered and sighed, oh well, the weirdest lot sometimes come through here, he thought before going back to work.

Yui was both excited and scared at the prospect of visiting her family’s grave. She could already feel the change of energy in the air. Fear and pain mingled with feelings of love and loyalty. Strange, she thought.

When she reached the burial grounds where the old village used to be she sat down to meditate. She felt the familiar sense of her aura surging around her. A long time passed with her sitting cross-legged on the ground in deep thought.

“What a beautiful aura”

In a second Yui had expanded her aura with En locating the voice. It was a man in his late teens, he was a nen specialist and pretty powerful at that.

“Thank you,” she said not moving an inch not even when she felt the man coming closer.

“What his your name?” he asked sitting down beside her

“Yui,” she turned her head to him with a smile, “what is yours?”

She felt his surprise when he saw that she was blind but he quickly masked his emotions, “Chrollo”

“What are you doing at a burial ground, Chrollo?”

“I wanted to see some temples nearby when I felt your beautiful aura, so I followed your trail,” he answered with laughter in his voice, “what are you doing here?”

“I was born here”

“You’re a Kurta?”

“You know of them?”

“Yes, I have heard a rumour. Is it true you have the most beautiful scarlet eyes?”

“I don’t know. Some men stole mine before I can remember but… sometimes I see my mother’s in a dream,” Yui smiled sadly not sure of why she was sharing this with a complete stranger, “her eyes were a deep red and she had the most wonderful smile”

“Hmm…” was his only answer. They sat together for a while, both in deep thought. Soon the moon was up and after sitting still for hours Chrollo decided to lie down and sleep. When he woke up, he felt a tiny heartbeat beside his own. Sometime after he had fallen asleep, the girl must have lied down next to him. He embraced the tiny girl in his arms before going back to sleep.

When Yui woke up the next morning, Chrollo was gone. She felt somewhat sad not knowing why.



So proud of how fast I am updating this  ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)

Picture on the side is of Isamu (her childhood best friend)


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