Chapter XIV

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(AN: I am sure that choosing to write chapter titles with roman numbers is gonna bite me in my arse when we get a bit further)

“You wait, Gon. You’re arm is still hurt. Kurapika and I will do this,” Leorio sounded very sure of himself and Gon sighed.

“Okay,” he muttered with pout.

The two of them pushed their hands against the door, “let’s do this, Kurapika,” Leorio shrieked and they began to push with all of their power.

“It’s impossible,” Seaquant muttered, “they’ll never make it”

“Don’t be such a spoil sport,” Yui smiled turning towards the door, “Oi! You’ll never be able to open it unless you coordinate your pushing!” she yelled.

“Coordinate?” Leorio muttered.

“One! Two! Three!” Kurapika yelled and they pushed simultaneously with all of their might.

They gasped, “It moved,” Gon exclaimed.

“Try removing the weight jackets,” Zebro advised chuckling a bit to himself.

“Music to my ears,” Leorio laughed and they dumped the heavy jackets, “Ready Kurapika? One! Two! Three!”

Just as they were about to crumble under the pressure Gon removed his bandages and got up to help them.

“We did it!”

~ time skip ~

Long before she was in sight, Yui felt the Nen of the butler apprentice Canary. She liked her but knew that friendship mattered little in this situation.

“Leave,” she uttered with dead eyes, “You’re trespassing on private property. I cannot allow you to pass without permission”

Yui blocked out the voices feeling the area with her Nen. As she thought there were several people watching them. Kikyo and Kalluto being the strongest, ‘that can’t be good’, she thought to herself.

She zoned back in when Gon was sent flying right over her head, “woah!? Gon!” she exclaimed. Kurapika and Leorio drew their weapons and they all took a fighting stance.

“Leorio! Yui! Kurapika! Don’t interfere,” Gon got up and began walking towards Canary, he was already bleeding in several places, “ow…”

~ time skip ~

Canary was lying unconscious on the ground. Kurapika and Gon sat crouched next to her when Kikyo and Kalluto stepped out of the shadows. Kalluto glanced at Yui with small surprise but quickly regained his composure, Kikyo completely ignored the fact that they had met before, “rude,” Yui mumbled silently.

“Forgive me for not introducing myself,” Kikyo spoke in a low and formal voice but Yui wasn’t fooled, she had seen the assassin snap, “I am Killua’s mother. This is Kalluto.”

“Why can’t Killua come see us?” Gon asked innocently, Yui smiled at his naivety.

“Because he’s in solitary confinement”

“Solitary confinement?” the boys asked in unison.

Kikyo went on explaining some elaborated lie, “tsch,” Yui muttered grabbing Kurapika’s hand distractedly making him blush slightly.

Suddenly Kikyo shrieked in alarm, “What? Father! What are you doing?!” in a second she had turned her back to them running back towards the house.

Kalluto stayed a second staring at them, “It’s good to see you again, Yui,” he muttered when his mother loudly interrupted his line of speech, “Kalluto-chan! What are you doing? Come over here!”

“Yes, Mother,” he yelled back hurrying after her.

“Well… they were weird,” Leorio exclaimed with raised brows.

“Hnh,” Canary mumbled trying to sit up, Kurapika immediately supported her back and Yui felt a light pang of jealousy, “I will help you. I can take as far as the Butler’s office, there’s a phone there you can borrow.”

~ time skip ~

“Here. We finally made it,” Canary whispered gesturing towards a big house, “this is the Butler’s office”

Outside the house Gotoh was waiting with a line of minor butlers, “Welcome,” he said and they all bowed simultaneously,”

Kurapika furrowed his brows in annoyance, ‘it’s that guy who embraced, Yui’, he thought and Yui sensed his change of mood so she silently intertwined their fingers.

“Please forgive the rude reception,” Gotoh said still bowing, “the lady of the house has asked us to treat you,” he led them into a huge room.

“Yui, Maha-sama is calling for you,” a female butler appeared from around the corner.

“Huh?” Yui turned her head, “Uhm… okay,” she got up, “I’ll be back in a minute, okay guy,” she said pecking Kurapika on his lips before following the butler out of the room.

“Now. Sitting here and waiting would be quite dull; might I suggest we play a game?” Gotoh smiled coldly holding out a coin, ‘this blonde boy seems unworthy of a girl as wonderful as Yui, I will do as my lady bid and keep them here while testing his skills’, he thought correcting his glasses.

~ time skip ~

“Gotoh, is Gon here yet?” Killua appeared with Yui right behind him.

“Killua!” Gon laughed at the sight of his friend.

“Oh! You’re here, Gon! Along with…” he concentrated hard for a moment, “Kurapika? Liorio!”

“Leorio!” Leorio corrected him loudly.

Yui and Gon laughed at the situation, “Let’s get going”

And so the five friends parted ways. Leorio left to study to become a doctor. Gon and Killua left to train at Heaven’s Arena making Yui smile as memories flashed by. Kurapika and Yui left to visit Yui’s childhood home, the Temple of the White Lotus.



Gee! That took freaking ages to write…! I am just going through a rough writing patch, not writer's block - thank the maker - but an "I WANNA GET TO THE GOOD PARTS"-patch. I have written all these cute romance and jealousy scenes and I am so excited to share them with you all... uuuagh! So you must promise to tell me if I am rushing things so I can take a breath and slow things down...

AND ALSO: I was kind annoyed with Yui's Nen abilities so I changed them into something a little more cohesive.

Her abilities revolve around "air bending" – and yes, I was inspired by Avatar.

Breathtaker:She manipulate the air to remove itself from her target's lungs and thereby choking the victim.

Windspirit: She turn into a wind "spirit", meaning she dissolve into a mist for a short time enabling her to fly and enter cramped spaces.

Cyclone: She turn into a whirling tornado.

Spinning storm: She create small or large tornados

Pendulum: A small wind swirl around the head of the target making them go into a state of confusion. Includes memory loss, black-outs, dizziness and the like. The weaker the mind of the target and the longer the wind swirl the harder the person is hit.


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