Prologue I

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Darkness had fallen over the tiny village of the Kurta. Its people, hidden underneath the covers of their beds, were sleeping soundly. An owl hooting in the distance was the only thing breaking the silence. In the outskirts of the village however, something was amiss. Five strange men dressed in black whispered silently to each other.

“About time. It seems like the last of them have finally fallen asleep”, the smallest of them sighed

The leader hushed him with a stern glance while looking around seriously, “it would seem so. Are you ready?”

The men nodded their heads grimly and they began moving determinately towards one of the houses. The door was unlocked and opened easily. As they entered, they drew their weapons. The knives glinted in the darkness.

“This way”, the leader whispered and gestured towards one of the rooms. It was the room of a tiny newly born babe. Pink drapes covered the walls and toys filled the floor. One of the men grabbed the child sleeping peacefully in its crib, greed flashing through his eyes, but the babe woke up at the touch of this unfamiliar man. She began silently crying. The rest of the men flashed the man holding her annoyed looks. He tried to silence her but her crying only grew in strength.

“Shizuka!” her mother’s frightened scream filled the room.

There was a loud thump when she fell to the ground, her white nightgown turning red.

“Hurry!” the biggest man shouted hearing the sound of the village waking. They sprinted out the door cutting down the babe’s father on the way. When they reached the village bounds, a shot was fired in their direction taking down one of them.

~time skip as they flee from the village~

“Damn it!” the shortest of the remaining four shouted, “You said this would be an easy job! Just in and out, but look at us now! Dumbo’s gone and Hags’s bleedin’ all over the place”

“Silence”, the leader exclaimed, “we got the babe. Look at those eyes. One hundred mil a pop. That’s fifty for each of us”

“Whatever. Just get ‘em and let’s go”

The one holding the babe took out a knife.

~time skip~

The rain was pouring down when a woman found the bleeding babe on the side of the road. In horror, she headed towards the town temple leaving it in the care of the monks.



The whole cover is made by me. Kurapika was made by the super-talented lychi on DeviantArt:

The one of Chrollo is from the manga, I unfortunately couldn't find the artist of the last picture. If you know who made it please tell me so I can credit them.


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