Chapter XXIV

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"You seem... distracted," Chrollo smiles cooly at the blonde-haired Kurta, "trouble in paradise?"

Kurapika's eyes narrows and he tightens the chain he has wrapped around Chrollo, "what are you talking about"

Chrollo coughs at the pressure though the smile never leaves his face, "Yui is a beauty, is she not"

Unintentionally, Kurapika's red eyes widen in shock before turning into anger, "shut your filthy mouth!" he screams as the chains tighten ever more, now threatening to crush Chrollo.

"Kurapika! Baka, control yourself! This is what he wants!" Leorio shrieks from the driver's seat.

The chains loosen and the leader of the Phantom Troupe is able to breathe again, "don't you dare say her name," Kurapika breathes.

To this, Chrollo merely laughs, seemingly carefree, "why not? She is mine after all..." he stares into Kurapika's angry eyes without flinching, "She is meant to be with me, Kurta," he spits out the last word with disgust

"I'll kill you!" Kurapika scream jumping from his seat.

"Kurapika!" Leorio and Melody shriek in unison.

Chrollo is unfaced, "do that and you lose her forever"

'I need to get back to Yui. I have made a terrible mistake'


As the aircraft carrying Kurapika and his friends leave, Chrollo lets out a manic laughter. Finally, he turns to face Hisoka, who's standing in front of him smirking menacingly.

"I have waited long for this moment," he says with a slight moan, "now... Let's do this!"

Chrollo looks silently on as Hisoka removes his shirt and fake spider tattoo, "this won't be considered an internal spat now, you needn't hold back," he smirks letting aura flow freely around his body.

Unable to hold back his laughter, Chrollo smiles wickedly, "I see. You aren't a Troupe member, so we can talk. I can't fight you... Rather, I am not worth fighting. He used his Judgement Chain on my heart. I can no longer use my Nen"

Hisoka gasp in annoyance, 'he wouldn't even try,' he thinks as he immediately enters the airship with Pakunoda.

He ignores Pakunoda's questions, 'I want to fight him so badly, but he seems incredibly unmotivated... I need to anger him,' he thinks, 'hmm, what if I kill the girl?'

Suddenly he laughs out loud making Pakunoda tense up, 'yes, that way I will earn the wrath of both Chrollo and Kurapika, and if I am lucky Gon, Killua and that Leorio guy,' he laughs madly now, a bulge appearing in his pants as he moans in his fantasy.

Left alone in the night was Chrollo. The thief with no power but only one goal passed his mouth, "don't worry Yui you WILL be mine."


And the end. Heheh, I finally finished this! Yus, accomplishments!! I was originally considering making a sequel called, "Red Eyes", but I dunno.... Blugh, I hope you enjoyed this story and I really appreciate every single view, vote and follow! You are amazing; now please share with me what you thought of the ending? What do you think happens now? Love you all!!



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