Chapter V

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[AN: Dedicated to my first reader, thanks spedsarah, without your words of encouragement I wouldn't have made it this far! Now ENJOY!]

After an eventful night, the applicants arrived at the third phase. It was held upon a huge stone tower and the applicants’ only task was to get to the bottom. Unfortunately, they could not climb or jump but had to find another way.

From the moment she touched the surface, Yui felt that the tower was hollow. It took her no time to find an opening.

“Ouff!” she exclaimed when she landed butt first on the floor of a small room. There was an opening in the wall but it was closed and had no handle. To her right there was a small table with what seemed like five bracelets. She went and touched one of them; ‘most likely I have to work together with four other’ she thought and sighed, ‘guess I’ll have to wait then’

After some time something happened. Simultaneously four trap doors opened and four people landed on the floor. Yui raised an eyebrow, ‘what is up with my luck these days?’ she thought annoyed. The four people were none other than Leorio, Gon, Killua and… Kurapika.

There was a silence for a few short seconds before Leorio broke it, “Huh?” he exclaimed. He had landed face first on the floor his arms and legs spread out beneath him, “Huh? What?”

“That was quite a brief-..” Kurapika stopped shortly midsentence when he noticed Yui sitting in the corner up against the wall, “farewell…” he ended and gulped.

“Yui!” Gon laughed and embraced her. Yui opened her mouth in surprise, “you’re here too!?”

“Seems like it,” she muttered, “I can’t read the message but I assume this task is about teamwork”

“The five of you must follow the will of the majority to reach the goal,” Gon read, “we’re probably supposed put on these bracelets,” he continued and as they did so a door appeared in the wall.

“At this door, select O to open, X not to open,” Kurapika said and they all pressed the O, “nothing happened?” Kurapika furrowed his brows and they looked at each other in confusions.

“Uhmm…” Yui muttered blushing violently, “which is which?”

~ time skip ~

“Allow me to explain. Before you are some prisoners of Trick Tower,” a voice radiated out from some hidden speaker.

‘Prisoners?’ Yui thought, ‘so this place is a prison, huh?’

“They have been hired as examiners and the task is easy. You will be fighting against the five of them. Three wins are required to win, the examiners are paid for each hour they stall you. Each other means a 1-year reduction to their sentence” the speaker ended.

A huge brawny guy appeared on the opposite side of the five applicants, he smile grimly, “You may pick your order…”

~ time skip ~

Gon had won his battle. It was now Kurapika’s turn. Yui had followed to battle intensely. None of the people present knew anything of Nen, so she barely disguised her En. She sat silently with her back against the wall. When the first prisoner had prepared to fight, Yui had volunteered but was quickly shut down.

‘I’ve made it this far yet they all still see me as a helpless blind,’ she thought with annoyance, ‘tsch, how boring’

“Uhraaaargh!” Yui felt Leorio take a step back in fear when Kurapika’s opponent removed his hood, ‘weak,’ she thought but kept her tung.

Kurapika’s opponent laughed maniacally, “I’m next!” but Kurapika remained calm, most likely he had sensed what was under his opponents strong exterior, “I have killed nineteen people, but it bugs me that nineteen is such an uneven number. You will be number twenty!”

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