Prologue V

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Age: 8 years

“Welcome to Heavens Arena! Please fill out this formula to get you started,” the lady smiled widely as she handed out the pieces of paper. Yui grabbed one and went to fill it out.

“Excuse me, sir. Would you be so kind as to help me fill out this form?” she asked a man with the most curious aura. He was certainly powerful and his aura radiated sexual tensions. It felt kind of like rubber.

“Why of course,” Yui felt a short burst of aura coming from the man as he noticed her, “what is your name, little girl”

“I am Yui,” she smiled and the man licked his lips in anticipation, “delicious,” he whispered

~ short time skip as they fill out the formula ~

“Here you go,” Yui felt sparks flying as she briefly touched the odd man

“Thank you…” Yui mumbled when she realized she didn’t know his name

“Hisoka,” he finished her sentence before disappearing into an elevator

‘What a curious man’, Yui thought and handed in the formula

“Thank you, please wait until you hear your number called out”

~ time skip ~

Yui tapped her foot nervously. She had decided not to use any nen before she reached the 200s. She was scared, she hadn’t moved around without since Makoto-sama first introduced. She felt blind and hopeless again but it had to be done. She needed to become independent from it.

She took a deep breath and entered the fighting hall.

It was a very equal fight but Yui had a clear disadvantage since most of the time she didn’t know her opponents location.

“And the winner is, Die Faust!” the judge called out as Yui scrambled to get up. She was hurt in places she didn’t even know existed but her determination remained strong. Tomorrow she would come back and fight again but for now she needed to heal and train.



Guess what? I have already finished all of the prologues and begun on the actual story - woop woop! And though there at the moment is only one AWESOMETACULAR person reading this Imma just put 'em all up tonigt, so you better tell me what you think! After that I'll try to make weekly updates but don't hang me too much up on it because I can be a horrible person when it comes to updating stuff ... anyway sorry for rambling and thanks for reading!


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