Chapter IX

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Kurapika, still shaking slightly with anger, glares at the magician. His eyes now look as though they’re on fire. Hisoka on the other hand seems delighted at the sight of Kurapika’s rage and he smiles wickedly. They both look ready to fight when they’re interrupted.

“Hohoho,” Netero laughs amused, “though I love this tension it seems like we’re ready to continue to the next battle… Hanzo versus Gon. If any of you chose to interrupt you’re immediately disqualified.”

~ time skip ~

‘Argh, my head hurts,’ Yui thought and tried to sit up, ‘Ouff! Bad decision,’

“Yui! Are you awake?”

“Kurapika?” Yui mumbled trying to spread out her En.

“We’re right here, Yui,”


“I’m here too”

“Gon,” Yui sat up in the bed feeling a pang of pain in her rib, ‘seems like it’s broken’

“How are you?” Yui blushed when she remembered what happened.

“I’m okay,” she mumbled, “What happened?”

“Well, you fought Hisoka and-…” Leorio started

“Yeah! You are a really great fighter, Yui,” Gon interrupted with hint of sadness in his voice, ‘what happened while I was out?’ Yui thought.

“I know that but what happened… you know, after I passed out?”

Leorio seemed to hesitate.

“Nothing really. We were just really worried about you,” Kurapika hurried, ‘thank the maker Yui can’t see right now,’ he thought. He was completely maroon and his face was pretty beat up after his short fight with Hisoka, ‘she can’t know how I feel’.

Leorio and Gon both furrowed their brows slightly at their friend’s response but decided not to say anything. Gon quickly went on to explaining what had happened with Killua.

“What?” Yui exclaimed. She knew Illumi had some serious issues concerning Killua but she didn’t know he’d go that far.

“Yeah,” Gon sounded completely heartbroken so she took him into her arms, Kurapika looked away shortly but quickly hid his emotions, “but don’t worry, Yui! We’ll get him back,” Gon seemed a little more like himself again.

“But… how?”

“We’ll just go to him and explain everything. Gittarackur… or Illumi said we would find him in a place called Kukuroo Mountain…”

Yui smiled warmly making Kurapika’s heart skip a beat and said, “I know where that is. I’ll take you”

“Really!?” Gon exclaimed with a laugh, “then let’s get going!”



Oh oh oh. I am pretty excited. I just sketched out the next couple of chapters and you better be excited. Draaamaa! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ Jealousy..? ~( ̄▽ ̄~) Loooooove! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~


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