Chapter XIX

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For five solid minutes Yui just stood there without doing anything, ‘what was that?’, she thought more confused than ever before. She recalled meeting Chrollo back when she first left the temple to seek out information about her past. She had been intrigued by him then but had barely given him any thought since.

Dumbstruck she felt her forehead. It still felt warm from the short contact with his lips, “what’s wrong with me?” she muttered.

She didn’t see Chrollo again but she often felt the presence of other Nen users. They were so skilled at Zetsu that it made it difficult for her to pinpoint their locations. Since they didn’t emit any threatening intentions she just ignored them.

She spent most of the time perfecting her En, which was improving by the minute.

“Hah!” she exclaimed the sweat dripping from her body. She had been training non-stop for three days now alternating between physical and mental exercises. She exhaled deeply and looked at the clock. It had been three weeks since she and Kurapika parted and she missed him dearly. She couldn’t sleep and barely had any appetite, ‘I’m so pathetic’ she thought, ‘can’t even go a few weeks without him’.

She huffed and continued hitting her target with renewed strength. Her loneliness was the very thing that had gotten her back into training; since she couldn’t sleep she might as well use the time productively. Once again, her eyes drifted towards the clock. In less than twelve hours, Kurapika would meet her here in York New. The thought of seeing him brought a faint smile to her lips.

~ time skip ~

Yui felt herself getting nervous as she put on the clothes picked by the department store lady. Since she was blind, she had to rely on others to tell her what looked good. She really wanted to look pretty for Kurapika. The lady had said that she looked really sexy in these clothes but Yui was kind of sceptical, it didn’t feel like she was wearing anything.

She sighed while slipping into the dress. It was a deep blue colour and suited her milky skin elegantly. It was rather tight on the top while the skirt was loose and flowy. It was also quite showing but of course Yui couldn’t see this so she just choose to trust in what the lady had said; “this dress will make him want to never leave you again,” she had giggled then making Yui blush.

“I hope she’s right,” she whispered exiting the motel.

She felt a lot of people stare at her as she walking by, ‘why are they all staring like that’, she thought blushing, ‘do I look weird or something…’

Finally, she made it to the place where she was supposed to meet with Kurapika. She stood around waiting anxiously when she felt a familiar aura. She turned around, “Kurapika!” she exclaimed.

The boy stopped dead in his track as his face turned as red as a tomato, “Yui?” he muttered, “what are you doing!” he shrieked running towards covering her body with his.

“What’s wrong?” she muttered frowning.

“Why are you… walking around in public looking-… looking like this,” he had felt his lower region stir seeing her like that when he realized that others could see her too.

“I don’t understand,” Yui looked like a lost puppy afraid of what she might have done wrong, “don’t you like it?”

“Huh?” he said, “I-… no… or yes, I like it. Very much, actually-…” he was still blushing madly, “I don’t want anyone else to see you like this. You’re mine.”

Yui felt as though a huge weight had been lifted when she another aura.

“Uhmm… Kurapika,” a voice whispered awkwardly.

“Huh,” Kurapika turned his head but made sure to still cover Yui’s body with his, “oh Melody,” he muttered, “sorry… uhm,” he took off his shirt holding it out to Yui, “put this on… please”

“Okay,” Yui did as he said.

“Uhm, Melody, this is Yui” Kurapika scratched the back of his head and you could still see a hint of red in his cheeks, “Yui, meet Melody… My, uhmm, colleague”

Yui frowned grabbing Kurapika’s arm possessively, “don’t get any ideas, Melody,” she said determined, “Kurapika’s taken,”

Kurapika’s eyes widened at her hostility, he had never thought of Melody like, far from it actually, “Yui-..” he began.

“No. Kurapika, it’s okay,” Melody smiled reassuringly, “it’s been a long time since I’ve been considered a rival,” she looked at Yui, “don’t worry Yui; I have no interest in Kurapika. Not in the way you fear anyway,”

Yui hmpf’ed, “just so we’re clear,” she smiled, “it’s nice to meet you Melody”


I love Melody. She’s such a sweetheart..


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