Prologue X

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Age: 12 years

‘Where is he? Where – where – where?’ Yui thought as she focused all of her senses into locating her teacher. ‘There,’ without giving any hints to the fact that she was aware of his position, Yui readied her attack.

“Osu!” she screamed and emitted a huge ball of aura in the direction of Maha. He dodged it but only barely, “you’re getting stronger by the day, Yui”

“Thank you, Maha-sensei,” she beamed with pride at the praising words

“Come this way,” he disappeared into the forest running swiftly in the direction of the mansion. Yui followed him with ease.

~ time skip ~

“Here. Have some tea, my dear” Maha handed her a warm cup and a cookie, “I have an assignment for you, Yui”

“Osu!” Yui clapped her hands together and looked at him expectantly

“Your target is a 69-year old male. His name is a mystery but he is known as ‘The Black Panther’,” Maha took a sip of his herbal tea before he spoke again; “This will be your first assassination job and should you fail you will no longer be my apprentice,”

Yui hesitated. She didn’t recall ever killing anyone… “I will honour your name, sensei”

“good good… now please pass me the macarones”

~ time skip ~

The man Yui had been assigned to kill was standing just a few feet away from her. She was sweating like a waterfall. How was she supposed to kill someone? Breathe, breathe, breath. Come on, Yui!

“I can’t do it… I can’t” her voice was cracking up, ‘but I have to,’ she continues her monologue inside of her head, ‘I have to do this for Maha-sensei’

Suddenly her target began to move. Yui immediately follow her thoughts still in completely disarray, ‘I mean, I can’t just kill someone I don’t know. What if he has a wife and kids? He’s never hurt me or anyone I love… still someone went through the trouble of contacting Maha Zoldyck just to get rid of him? Ugh! I am hurting my head!?’




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