Prologue II

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Yui stood outside the store waiting patiently for Father Hiroshi to come out. She was five years old today and Hiroshi had promised he’d get her some chocolate on the special occasion. She smiled happily at the thought squeezing her walking stick harder.

“Hey freak!”

She turned frightened at the sound, her little body shaking. She felt at gust of wind on her thigh before her legs disappeared from under her. She gasped and knew that her knee was bleeding.

The boy who’d stolen her walking stick was gloating and laughing. Warm tears fled her glass eyes wetting her bandages. She couldn’t see the perpetrator but she recognized his voice from before. He was one of the town kids who would bully her whenever he got the chance.

“Do you want your petty stick back, huh freak!?” he laughed. She tried to stand as his minions joined in.




“Stop!” she screamed scrambling to get up, “leave me alone!” she tried to punch one of them but hit nothing but the air. This did nothing but add to their amusement.

“Yui!” Father Hiroshi exclaimed loudly while exiting the shop and quickly coming to her rescue. Her bullies disappeared at the sight of the monk, “are you alright, my child?” Father Hiroshi asked with concerned expression. Yui nodded meekly managing a small smile on her tearstained face, “come now, let’s go home”



Short chapter, sorry but I felt like it needed to end there (´°ω°')

Picture on the side is of Father Hiroshi


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