Chapter 8: Stiring Hope

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Daniel's POV
It had been a week since I saw Athena. I thought it would be a good idea to stay away from her for now. She was preparing for her upcoming exams and she needed all the concentration she could get. So, I asked my men to watch over her on my behalf and make sure she was safe. It would also be good for me too, I had slackened a lot lately and needed to get back to serious work. It's not like I had forgotten about my Athena, if I even had the right to call her that, it's not like I could.

It was 2 am when I was woken up by the bussing of my phone.

"What" I groaned out
"Sorry for disturbing you sir...."
"When do you not?" I snarled
"We have a problem" Quinn, one of my bodyguards said
"Deal with it Quinn, I know you can"
"Athena was kidnapped sir"

When he said those words I could feel all rage building up for him and the bastards who kidnapped her, but mostly, for myself. If I had watched over her myself, this would have never happened.

"How the hell did you allow this to happen?!" I shouted into the phone
"Where were you?!"
"I gave you a simple task, 'watch her!', 'make sure she's safe!' and even that you failed! You morons!" I cursed, throwing my phone in anger.

I texted Dean for his whereabouts and if he knew who had Athena. I quickly got dressed and rushed out of my house heading straight for where she was last seen.

I got there and found all of them standing there like lost sheep. Dean, as always, was handling the situation.

"You were the one watching her weren't you?!" I said pointing at Quinn and he nodded in response.
I lunged at him punching him in the face sending him to the ground.

"You pray that she doesn't have not even a single scratch on her, because I promise you, one scratch on her, and that's five bullets in you" I said picking him up and throwing him again.

I was not having he's incompetence.
Dawn came and still no news about Athena's whereabouts. My patience was running thin. I needed answers and I needed them now.

"Boss" one of my men called out
"Did you find her?" I said getting out of my seat
"No sir" he said almost as if he was begging me to hurt him
"We did find out that Zara is in town sir" he said putting me in a trance
"What?", I said, "why is she here?"

You see, my sister wasn't one to travel to visit her dear brother for no reason. She knew something and she most likely came to fix it.

Did she hear about Athena?

I feared that Zara knew about her, because I know her and she is extremely deadly. No one dared to go against Zara. Just like me, she was a brute with a pretty face, and when she put her mind to something or someone, she would not leave until they were taken care of.

"Where is she?" I asked
"My men are still searching for her hideout"
"Okay. Let me know immediately when you find her"
"Yes sir" he said closing the door behind him.

I had to find Athena before Zara did. If not that, save her from Zara, because if she knew that I was spending most of my time watching her, she would get rid of her.

I tried calling her, but she didn't answer. So, I set out to look for her myself. Zara's usual house was deserted after a small, commotion. Like me, she was good at finding trouble, unlike me, she wasn't the best at staying out of it. She was the Bonnie of our family.

Zara was very sly that I knew. She may have been my sister but when it came to the family business, she never took anything lightly.

I was driving around thinking of possible places she could be, when my phone rang. The queen herself.

"Where are you?" I asked
"Oh.... Is that really how you greet your sister after such a long time Daniel" she said
"Zara, I'm really not in the mood right now. Where are you and why are you here?"

"Why not. Can I not come here? Are you hiding something from me Daniel?"
I remained silent.

"Hmm....Anyway, I'm at home. Near the lake" she said

"I'm asking because this is a very busy week for me and I don't need to be babysitting you"

"Huh.... Go to hell brother. I'm not here to be a burden, I'm actually here to help you with yours" she said

"With what?"

"Your distraction" she said hanging up

I rushed to the lake house the second she hang up.

"You haven't changed one bit Danny"
I scoffed in reply. I hated it when she called me Danny.
"How have you been?" I asked
"I'm alive as you can see, that's good enough"
"How long are you here for?"
"You don't seem to be happy to see me Danny"
"It's not that, I'm just curious"
"Or..... You want to get rid of me"
"Now why would I do that?" I said pulling her in for a hug. She hated it.

We sat and talked for a long time, when her phone rang and she had to leave. I could tell that Zara was suspicious of me, and I was of her. I was sure she had Athena. So I opted to stay and wait for her, I made up some lie of wanting to talk to her about something important and she bought it, I think. I was going to use this chance to search for Athena. She must be in this very house.

Zara left but didn't leave without leaving me heavily guarded.

Just what I need!

I started strolling through the house looking for anything that stood out. Nothing.

I saw a lot of her men going down stairs though. Maybe that's where they were keeping her. I followed them but got stopped by one of them.

"I'm sorry sir, but miss Terranova has forbidden this area to guests" he said.

"Do I look like a guest to you? And besides, I'm her brother and I'm sure you know me and what I'm capable of, so don't test my patience. Move" I growled out

He was reluctant to move but eventually did. I went down stairs to a huge metallic door and ordered them to open it. I was cautious when entering, and had my gun ready, and what I saw broke my heart. It was Athena, lying in her own pool of blood.

I ran down to her and held her in my arms. She was unconscious and cold. She was tied to a chair and her whole body was bruised. She had lost her ever lively face.

I shouted for them to get her out of her chains but they didn't. I was angry, very angry, and they saw it. I went back up the stairs and ordered one man to let her go, he refused. Bad idea. I shot him in the head and asked another. He refused, and I shot him too. The third one obliged and got the keys, walked passed me and went down to remove her chains.

I followed behind him with my gun pointed to the back of his head and when he was done, I shot him in the head and back.

That was for making me ask twice

I carried Athena in my arms and walked up the stairs and out the front door, neither of them dared to stop me, they could just prepare for my sister's wrath.

I carefully put her in my car and drove off. I had her with me, but this is not how I imagined I'd get her. She was hurt and it was all because of me. I should have left her when I had the chance.

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