Chapter 48: How Far Would You Go?

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Athena's POV
"Hello" I answered

"I'll pick you up tonight" he said

"To.... "

"I managed to get Zara and two of the Boss's cousins to meet with you, in my presence of course. I don't trust Zara one bit"

"Thank you Claudius" I cooed over the phone, "So, what should I wear?" I asked, just trying to piss him off

"Athena, first you force me to do the impossible, that too, behind my capo's back, and now you want me to tell you what to wear" he complained

"Eish, I'm sorry, it was just a joke"

"I'm not the Boss Athena, I have zero tolerance and I'm already at my wit's end with you" he said, taking away my fun moment, "My men and I won't leave you for a second. You'll have full protection, inside and out"


Without Daniel's knowledge and only weeks to spare, the day of meeting his family had finally arrived. I'd been preparing myself mentally and emotionally for this.

I really appreciated what Claudius had been doing for me. He was going against his Capo to help me. Too much of a risk if you ask me.

The sun had set and the moon was out. I didn't pay much care to what I was going to wear that evening, it's not like it's a formal invite.

I wore all black; jeans, a T-shirt and hoody. And as promised, Claudius came. He escorted me to this black van, and we were off. Just after leaving the yard, we were later followed by so many other cars.

"Claudius" I called nervously, "We're being followed"

"They're with us. For your protection" he said

I remembered Zara all too well. How she treated me and what she did to me. Hearing that she was the one I'd be meeting gave me chills. She had to be the most ruthless woman I knew, and I never once questioned all the protection Claudius brought.

We drove for hours and soon arrived at this large mansion in the middle of nowhere. It was beautiful and well managed.

"Take this" Claudius said, handing me a gun

"Um.... I don't think I can"

"You've done it once, do it again. And this time, you'll actually need it, because unlike the place where you escaped from, here, the people won't hesitate to kill you if they feel like it. Take it, and hide it"

I swallowed heavily and almost rethought my plan. I took the gun and placed it in the back of my jeans and covered up.

Stepping out, we were surrounded by all these men dressed in all black suits carrying AK 47s and armed. They looked so intimidating and scary, covered in tattoos, looking all sorts of foreign, these were definitely the bad guys. I had no doubt these men wouldn't hesitate to kill me.

They glared at each other, with me standing behind Claudius only peeking to see the men in front of us. I felt so guarded, as what seemed like over twenty men stood behind me like shields, armed to the tooth.

They let us through and we walked in with me trailing behind Claudius.

"Stay behind me. And stay quiet" he said in his deep controlling voice, and I never dared disobey

We walked through these grand doors and into this large foyer filled with all sorts of Greek looking sculptures, dangerous looking too. Shields and spears, and gold everything cascading ever so elegantly down the walls and railings of the staircases.

Girl sure loved her shine

We were walking for some time, as I could only stare in awe at the beauty in the house, when Claudius suddenly stopped and I slammed into his broad back. He looked at me with an irritated glare as I mouthed a soft sorry to him.

"Long time no see Athena!" I heard a female voice say. It was Zara, obviously, walking down the stairs with a glass of wine in her hand wearing this black embroidered suit with a laced lingerie top on.
"Greek Goddess of war. I hope her grace is pleased with my.... Decorative attempts in her honour no. But if I'm being completely honest, huh, your name precedes you Athena" she chuckled mockingly
"Claudius, won't I get to see my guest, or will you hide her all night long" she said, after getting no response
"Atheeenaaa.... Come out, come out where ever you are" she mocked

Zara was crazy, it was clear. I started to regret having come here.

I slowly walked into sight from behind Claudius, leaving his shield of a body, and for the first time in a long time, I was face to face with the witch that tried to kill me.

"I love your home" I stuttered out, trying to be brave, "It's very.... artistic. I'd have never pictured you as the artsy type"

"Mm, I know. You know, I recently remodeled the place, and I just, really got fascinated with Greek mythology, particularly.... With you. Oh, I mean, your name sake. You see, she was such an amazing woman, and I love strong women. Which is why I was really surprised with you, you don't seem too, warrior like" she said smirking as she gave me a sickening glare, "But anyway, going back to my, art, that's why I wanted to be surrounded by all this beauty" she said, walking towards me

I smiled at her sickening love story.

"Let's go, I'll show you around" she said, wrapping her arm around me

I flinched together with Claudius and all the other men behind us. They all put their hands on their guns, ready to draw them.

"Oh, calm down boys, I won't hurt her" she said, winking at Claudius and proceeding to walk towards the dining hall

I looked at Claudius and saw so much despair and regret in his eyes. I nodded and smiled at him, reassuring him as I walked with Zara.

Having her arm around me made me sick. I just endured it, for Daniel.

"You know, I always saw you as a weakling; princess, damsel in distress, needing of a savior, but you really surprised me you know. And to think, I thought I'd have to drag you here myself, but you brought yourself to me. Funny huh"

"Well, you'd be surprised at what a determined soul can drive you to do" I said

"And what would you be so determined to achieve Athena?" she asked, looking me dead in the eyes

"My love and life back"
"Not that you'd understand any of those"

"In another life, I'd befriend you, but in this life, I'm just dying to slit your throat and watch you bleed to death"
"Don't be so serious" she laughed, "It was a joke" she whispered, taking a seat at the table
"Come on, take a seat. The others will join is soon"

I really started to believe that Zara was insane. I walked to the table and placed myself ever so far away from her. She stared at me, wearing this evil grin on her face.

I looked at her, trying my best to fake a convincing enough smile. She offered me food but something told me to just hold myself. No way was I going to eat a thing in this psychos house.

The things I'd do for you Daniel. Only for you.

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