Chapter 9: Care From the Threat

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Daniel's POV
I arrived at my house with Athena in my front passenger seat. Many thoughts went through my mind when I looked at her.

What will she say when she wakes up?
What will she think of me?
What if she thinks I'm the one responsible for her kidnapping?

I was panicking, and I never panic. I wanted to help her, but at the same time, I was so afraid, afraid of what she would think of me. Her opinion of me really mattered, and knowing that she felt safe around me really gave me peace.

I got out of my head and decided to just keep her here and let whatever happens happen. Besides, it's not like I had a choice, I couldn't take her to her place, Zara would kill her at any given chance. The fact that I found her alive is luck enough. I wouldn't risk it again.

I walked to the passenger side and carefully placed her in my arms. She was so small compared to me. She fit in my arms so well, I never wanted it to end. I carried her to her room, the closest to mine, and lay her on the bed. She was so pale and barely looking alive, I couldn't bare seeing her like that. I called our doctor. We always had one on hand whenever we needed a quick fixing.

My house wasn't anything special. It was home enough. It kind of resembled me; clean, dark, cold and dull, but still simple. It was the place I could go when I wanted to get away. Some would expect my house to be filled with drugs, alcohol and women, but the exact opposite really, there wasn't much keeping me here. I rarely came here. I sometimes wondered why I even got a house in the first place. It was such a lonely place.

The doctor came within a few hours and examined her. I made sure he did a thorough job, I only wanted the best for her, no mistakes accepted. He prescribed some medication for her and dressed her wounds, I think he really got used to dressing and stitching up wounds, we normally got a lot of those.

I asked one of my guards to get the prescribed medicines. I wanted to watch over Athena myself. I already made the mistake of trusting another with her, I wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

I made sure she was comfortable even though she looked like she was in pain in her slumber before I retired to my room. I lay on my bed thinking of how tomorrow would turn out. For sure, it was going to be a hell of a day.
I was woken up by the sun beaming through my drapes. I got up, took a quick shower and was getting ready- my signature black suit was a favourite when I heard screaming.


I rushed out of my room and found my men standing at her bedroom door looking inside.

"What's going on?" I asked confused
"She's awake" Lucas, my bodyguard answered

He looked distraught. Almost as if he never knew what to do. I slowly approached the door and saw her. She was leaning against the wall with a lampshade in her hand ready to throw it.

My men were trying to calm her down but with no luck. The room was a mess. She had thrown almost every ornament in there.

"Athena" I said approaching her with my arms held out

"Stay back! Or I swear I will throw this!" she shouted

"I'm not going to hurt you Athena. I just need you to calm down first"

"Calm down! Are you mad?! How do you expect me to calm down?! Where I'm I?"

"Athena, please, you're weak, you haven't fully recovered. Your stitches might come loose, please just.....take a seat yeah"

"You're the one that kidnapped me, aren't you?.....You animal!" she said throwing the lamp at me. I dogged it and so did my men.

"Athena calm down" I said trying to reason, but she wasn't having any of it.

"To hell with you!" she said throwing the bed sheets at me
"You have some nerve bringing me here. What right do you think you have huh?! What makes you think you can just take me when you feel like? Listen here and listen may own half of this country from your devilish acts, but you keep one thing in mind, you don't own me. Do you understand that?! You don't own! And you can't keep....agh!"

She fell to the floor with an aching moan clutching her stomach. I ran to her within seconds.

"Get away from me!" she said dragging herself away from me

"Athena you're hurt, let me help you" I said going closer to her attempting to carry her, when she slapped me, scratching me with her nails.

It was hard, but I left her. I walked out her room together with my men and decided to give her time. I asked my men to stand at her door, not only to make sure she didn't escape, but also to attend to her every need.

I went to my room and started treating my wound when I remembered what she said.

'Devilish acts' that really how low she thought of me?

I snapped out of it when my door flew open revealing a happy Dean.

"So, how'd it go?" he asked, grinning from ear to ear
"Get lost Dean" I scoffed

"Ohhh!" he said holding his mouth and coming closer, "That must hurt. Did she do that? Wow!" he said laughing
"Can I see?" he said attempting to touch my face

"Dean! Piss off!" I spat out
He broke into laughter. I was beginning to think that he was really enjoying this.

"So, I heard she put up quite the fight. Very wife material I must say" he said laughing. I never bothered to reply.
"Okay, in my defense....this was your idea. I hope see why we don't deal with women"

"Get out before I deal with your face" I growled out. He laughed as he walked out and closed the door behind him

I had enough problems on my mind and Dean was not going to be one of them. I had Athena, and she was my responsibility, whether or not she accepted me.

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