Chapter 43: The Invitation

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Athena's POV
It had been two weeks now since Jayden and I parted ways. We were still talking but not as much. He had returned to his home town for work. I was busy juggling my classes, and work, and frankly, it was wearing me down.

I still had to look for any clues as to where Daniel was. For a free spirited mobster, he was really good at hiding. It was getting almost impossible to find him, but I wouldn't give up on him, not anymore.

It was a cold winter evening, and I was closing up the café, getting ready to leave when I looked at the door and remembered the time Daniel walked in here. I was so scared of him back then. It's hard to imagine that I had fallen for him.

I closed up shop and went on my way. It was late, and all the cabs had stopped moving. Practically running, I bolted to get home. I had to pass a really sketchy area to get home now. My apartment was further away than my old home was. It was quite tricky getting home.

I got to an alley way and stared at it, hoping for another alternative to get home. I was about to walk into the darkness when I remembered how I was almost assaulted, but that time, Daniel was there, now, I wasn't too sure about that. Scared to my neck, I mustered all my courage and ran the opposite direction, taking the longer route home. I knew I'd get home later than expected, but I didn't care. Back then, Daniel was there, and I never knew it, now, I knew for a fact, that he wasn't there. And it broke my heart.

I ran into the yard, waving at the guard as he stared at me weirdly, stopping to catch my breath. I ran up the stairs to my apartment, locking the door behind me and taking in a deep breath. Taking off my boots, coat and bra-

Yes, no matter how tired I am, I always take off that chocking invention.

-I threw myself on the warm comfy sofa, and let sleep consume me. I was so tired, I honestly didn't bother showering.

I was startled awake by the sound of barking dogs. I checked the time


I got up and went to my room, taking off my clothes, throwing on a T-shirt that was on my bed, and diving under the covers.

"Ugh!" I whined in my pillow at the buzzing of my alarm

"It's too early for this" I mumbled, turning to my side table, squinting

"08:37!" I shouted, bolting out of bed, running to the washroom.

I was running late, again

I quickly showered. I think I spent less than five minutes in there. I got dressed and went to the kitchen; grabbing cold waffles from the fridge, stuffing my face, I put on my boots and coat, and ran out the door.

I was a complete mess.

I managed to catch the bus, which seems to be the only thing I accomplished successfully today. Looking into my bag, I pulled out my mirror and looked at myself in disgust. I fixed myself up and managed to look less.... dead.

I got off on campus and ran to the cafeteria, getting an espresso. That would keep me awake.

Oh, how I hated weekdays!

"You're late" Heather whispered

"I noticed" I said

Everything after that was, just hectic. Lecture after lecture, assignment after assignment. I was really missing the days I spent in Daniel's house doing absolutely nothing.

"We should get together tonight. You know, let loose. It's rough out here" O'Neil said

"You look like you need it Athena" Leila commented, causing everyone to laugh

"Ha ha" I responded.

"You really do look roughed up Athens" Brady added

"Hanging on by a thread of espresso" Brook commented

"Okay fine, I get it. I look like trash. No need to rub it in"

"Hey come on guys, cut her some slack" Brady said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, "Go home yah, get some rest"

Having said our goodbyes, we parted ways, as they went and partied away and I went to my mess of a home.

I got home and was immediately defeated. I still had to clean.

I cleaned up, putting everything away, and prepared myself a hot bowl of noodles. I sat on my sofa, slurping on my noodles, watching my favourite cooking show, when my phone rang.

Unknown number

"Hello" I sad quietly

"Miss O'Mara" the voice said. It was a very deep and raspy voice

"Speaking" I responded

"Sorry to disturb you ma'am, but I wouldn't have called you if it wasn't important"

"Um, who am I speaking to?"

"Claudius. I don't know if you remember me"

'Claudius?' I thought to myself, trying to remember where I had heard that name.
One of Daniel's men

"You work for Daniel" I said after a long silence

"I'm glad you remember. You'll receive a gown in a few minutes. Wear it to the address attached to the box. Your invitation is also attached to it, don't forget it" he commanded

"I'm sorry, why would I do tha-" I said, being cut off by a knock at my door.

I got up to open the door and saw a failure face. One of Daniel's body guards. He handed me a box and a gift bag accompanied with it, and offering me a soft smile, walked away.

"It's for our Boss miss Athena" I heard him say over the phone as I was trying to process everything.

"Is Daniel alright?" I asked, feeling myself getting worried

"Please be there ma'am" he said, hanging up.

I was scared just thinking about what was going on in Daniel's life. If his own men had to reach out to me, then something must be seriously wrong.

"What's going on Daniel?" I said, looking at the address.

I opened the box and saw the invitation. It looked visibly exclusive and for sure it was going to be.

I looked into the gift bag and pulled out this amazing rose gold clutch bag and silver high heels.

I wonder what the dress looks like

I unwrapped the dress and pulled out this; perfectly fitted, rose gold, high slit, sequin dress from the box and was starstruck.

It was just.... Beautiful.

I must admit, for men, they have exquisite taste in fashion. I actually couldn't wait to wear it. I guess the best way to see your love is to take his breath away in the process.

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