Chapter 23: Teaching His Heart

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Daniel's POV
"Good morning" I greeted in a low voice as I cautiously approached her.
"Did you get enough sleep? If you need anything at all, please, don't hesitate to ask...."
"....I brought you something to eat. I was told that you had skipped breakfast and lunch. You have to take your medication, and you can't do that on an empty stomach"

Athena hadn't been eating or speaking to anyone for three days now. It was always a forcing matter. I feared she was going into depression and I couldn't have that fall upon her.

I was going and coming to the same scene and story. She was always in bed. She'd chase anyone who'd want to get close to her, and no one could get to her. I guess they were scared of my reaction if she had been angered.

I tried my best to get close to her and make her feel better, but I knew, this would not be easy for her. She lost her father, and then her mother, her brother was all she had left, and now, he was gone too.

I visited her room every night I got home and I'd find her in the same position I'd left her in in the morning. I can't say it wasn't painful having to see her in that state. The woman I loved, was suffering, and I couldn't do anything about it.

I was already looking for the men who had shot at her house. I hadn't confronted my family about Athena yet, I never wanted to compromise her whereabouts. So, I was basically working undercover, which was new.
The following morning, I was seated in my study going through some pending transaction matters, when I heard screaming.

"What the hell!"

I was about to run out when my door flew open....

"You have to see this"

I bolted to where Nathan led me and saw Athena. She had a gun pointed right at my men.

"Athena! You don't know what you're doing, drop the gun" I said firmly, slowly approaching her.

How did she even get a gun?!

"How many times do I have to tell you, I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE!" she shouted
"Stay away from me!" She cried.

"Athena, please, this is for your own good. Now please, drop the gun"

"What's the point, I don't have anything to live for anymore!" she said breaking into tears.

We all shouted in unison when she pointed the gun to her head.

"Athena! You have so much to live for, please, just put it down" I begged



"MOVE!" she shouted
"Let me pass, or you'll add another dead body to your collection"

I don't know what happened to me, but for a split second, I felt something--hurt. Her words, hurt me. She only saw me as a killer.
I'd like to sympathise and say she's only saying it out of hurt, maybe, even unconscience of her surroundings or of what's happening, but I won't fool myself.

"So you won't move" she said about to pull the trigger.

"Okay okay! Fine!" I said moving away from the door together with my men.

She slowly approached the door with the gun still pointed at her head, and when she got closer, ran out and headed straight for the door.

I froze for a second and then it hit me, I couldn't let her leave. Not because I loved her, but because it was for her own good.

I ran out to the hall overlooking the bottom floor and saw her running for the door. I could either let her go and risk receiving a coffin with her in it, or do something I'd regret.

And I WOULD regret this.

Pulling out my gun, I aimed at the door and  fired, shooting the handle when she was only but a few inches away from it. The gunshot echoed in the house, almost deafening. Athena fell to the ground with a loud scream covering her ears.

"HATE ME ALL YOU WANT ATHENA! CURSE ME! HUMILIATE ME IF IT'D MAKE YOU HAPPY! BUT YOU ARE NOT LEAVING THIS HOUSE!" I growled out, and in that moment, I heard someone I hoped would never meet Athena.

She slowly turned and our eyes met. Her glare filled with fear. She was scared of me.

I ordered my men to lock her in her room, and as she passed me in the hall, I saw just how much she resented me. That was the last thing I wanted.

The day went by and the house was quiet. It was late out but I couldn't get over how she looked at me. I was only trying to protect her, and I hoped that she'd some how understand that.
It was morning and I didn't know how or when I fell asleep, but one thing was certain, I had to talk to Athena.

I quickly showered and wore a black turtleneck sweater with black jeans and walked to her room. It was quiet.

I knocked on her door--no response. I unlocked it and slowly opened the door and walked in. She was seated on the window sill looking outside. Her room was a mess, everything was all over the place.

"I won't even bother apologising for what I did yesterday, I did it for your own good. I know, this isn't easy for you. Losing your brother was hard for you and I understand, believe me, I do. I'd just like to ask for one thing Athena-- 'patience'. That's all I want from you. Give me time to find out what's going on and fix this and I promise you, everything will go back to normal, and you WILL go back to your normal life, without me in it, and you can forget ever having met me. I'm not your enemy here, I'm only trying to protect you from a far greater danger that you do not know of. I don't mean any harm Athena, and I hope you understand" I said

I did mean everything I said, but it did hurt. I didn't want Athena out of my life, but I knew it was for the best, and I wouldn't force her to stay, if she never wanted to.

I stared at her as I closed the door behind me, and wished for the best to come out of all this. I made a promise to her, that I was going to look for her attackers and her brother's murderer, and I wouldn't stop if it was the last thing I did.

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