Chapter 47: Meeting The Family

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Athena's POV
Now two days after my last meeting with Daniel, I had been in close contact with Claudius ever since. I had been looking for any ways possible to get Daniel out of this business.

I had asked Claudius to keep me informed about everything Daniel did, and he did. He never did seem too optimistic about the whole plan. If you ask me, I think he thought I was crazy.

Maybe I was; for Daniel

Daniel never really did much, he mostly had people running around and doing the dirty work for him. Perks of being the Boss I guess. If Daniel ever got involved, there'd definitely be blood spilled, then you really made him mad. Maybe that's why his men always strived to do their best and stay loyal, they never wanted to get him actively involved, if it wasn't to harm their rivals that is.

This made me wonder how all this would play out

I called Claudius asking him about Daniel's schedule, he never did tell me. He sounded quite low. Sighing over the phone, I knew something was wrong.

"What's the matter?" I asked, concerned

"I really commend you for what you are doing for the Boss. Even if.... It'll all amount to nothing" he mumbled the last part

"Do you have no faith in me Claudius?"

"It's not that Athena, it's just that.... This is a very dangerous game, and the Boss is in too deep. Hell, he's the main player. The Boss has gone against his entire family and the Mafia itself, just for you. Leaving won't be that easy. And let's say he does, he won't leave with anything less than a whole bounty on his head, that will last a lifetime"

It's not like I never knew all this, I did, but I wanted to try, even this once. Daniel had broken every rule in the Mafia, all for me. I could do this one thing, even if it was impossible. I'd try.

"I don't know if he told you" he said, knocking me out of my daze

"Told me what?"

"The reason he left"
"Athena, he made a deal, with his family. If he hadn't left you alone, they would have killed you, or worse. And the Boss couldn't let that happen to you. The truth is, he would ask us to check how you were doing, and we reported everything to him. He tried to forget you, but really, he couldn't. That's how much he loves you, but he knows.... He'll never have you"

"He did that, for me?"

"Yes Athena"
"I've honestly never seen him so moved by a woman before, you're a first. He'd do anything to keep you safe, even give up his dream of being with you"

I hang up, feeling so weak. I sat on my couch and cried in the pillows, as it dawned on me that I had to tell him how I felt and get him out of this hell hole of a life he had accepted.

The truth is, he had sacrificed so much for me, and not once did I do the same. He loved me, and was so proud to say it to me knowing he wouldn't hear it back. I WAS going to help him and give him a better life.... With me.

I left my apartment and went to my classes lined up for that day but could barely concentrate on anything. I couldn't get Daniel off my mind. I was busy thinking of ways to just get that stupid Mafia family of his off his back.

Come to think of it, Daniel never did have much of a family. I mean, what family would threaten to take away the one thing that makes you happy. What family would raise you up in a world of crime for their benefit.

How unlucky if you ask me

I was on my way home that evening when I had an idea. It wasn't the brightest, but it came to me anyway.

I knew Daniel wouldn't like it that's for sure. Hell, I wondered if Claudius would even help me. I was going to talk to his family. It was a shot in the dark, but I'd try.

I called Claudius and asked him to meet me at my apartment.

"You're early" I said, when I saw him leaning against his car as I got into the yard.

"And you're late" he scoffed

I rolled my eyes at his comment and invited him inside.

"What's this about Athena?" he asked, all forward and all

I hesitated to respond. I wasn't sure if he'd allow it.

"Athena" he called more firmly

I think he knew something was up

"Athena if this is.... "

"I want to talk to Daniel's family" I blurted out, putting on my brave face.

"Do you have a death wish?" he asked, "You know what, don't answer that. Who knows what stupid answer you'll come up with"

"Claudius I could approach them and then they'd see that I'm not a bad person and maybe...."

"Athena!.... Stop" he said, raising his voice, "This is not a game of house, 'meet the parents' no. Daniel's family is not one you'd like to meet. And neither can you reason with them. They are feared for a reason, no one can just approach them and talk like its some kind of 'family get together'. It's not that easy. Getting them to meet you is a task on its own. And they already don't like you. Have you forgotten what they did to your brother, huh?! Daniel did everything in his power to prevent that from happening to you, and you think I'll just allow you to walk into the lions den after all he did to keep you out of it. NO! You want to help Daniel, try staying alive"

"Will you help me, or not?" I said after a long deafening silence.

"Did you not hear a thing I just said?"

"Claudius, if you will, let me know, if you won't, then we're done here. I'll find a way myself" I said stomping off to my room

"Do you have even the slightest idea of what the Boss will do to me when he finds out we even spoke of this?"

"I'm guessing kill you, but that's no secret"

"Athena, this is a bad idea"

He said a lot, I didn't respond. He looked at me with shock in his eyes. Dumbfounded by my special 'master plan'.

"You're really stubborn aren't you" he said, standing in the door way, "Fine!.... I'll help you"

I jumped around with excitement and gave him a big hug.

"You won't regret this, I promise"

"Oh I will....I already do" he said, rolling his eyes.

He left that evening, and went off to find a way for me to meet his dreadful family. I knew everything Claudius had said was true, and I was quite scared, but I put my fears aside. I guess that's how it is when you love someone huh.

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