Chapter 42: Bringing Him Back

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Athena's POV
"HEATHER!" I shouted, banging on the door like a madman. "HEATHER!"

"Athena!" she hissed, as the door flew open, "You do realised that it's a cold Saturday morning and people are trying to--"

"--Just get in" I said, walking past her, cutting her off.

"Wow, okay then, we don't care" she said, closing the door. "This better be as important as the sun rising or I will murder you for waking me up this early" she threatened. "WELL!?"

I didn't know how to tell her. I sat myself down, running my hands through my hair, as I tried to get the words out of my mouth.

"Athena what happe--"

"--Daniel came to my place" I blurted out

"What!" she shouted

"Don't yell"

"I'm not yelling, but how do you expect me to react?!"

"I don't know, less, loud perhaps!" I said

"What did he say, what happened, did he hurt you or anything, did he touch you?"



"He didn't even speak to me" I said, sadly.

"Why do you look unhappy about that fact? You wanted him to speak to you?" she asked, seated besides me

The truth is, I did. I wanted to see him, to talk to him, to hold him, just one more time.

"Athens, I'm going to ask you a very serious question, and I need an honest answer" she said, getting all serious, "Do you still love Daniel?"

I abruptly turned to face her, shocked, and dumbfounded at her question, as I swallowed heavily.

"Of course not, why would you ask that!"

"I knew it. I KNEW IT! You never did forget him did you!"

"Heather, stop!" I said, standing to my feet.

"No you stop Athena! Stop with these lies. You are hurting people can you not see that, and most of all, you're hurting yourself"
"Athena, I want you to be happy okay, that's all I want for you, but you will never get that if you forever deny your feelings towards Daniel"
"Back at Brady's, when you said you couldn't be with a man like him, I knew you were lying. Love just doesn't fade like a cloud. You were willing to stay with him, to love him completely, knowing ALL his flaws, you were willing to accept him as he was, and then all of a sudden, you say you hate him. No Athena, don't lie to yourself"
"And worst of all, you had to go involve Jayden. Jayden loves you dearly Athena! That man loves you, but you don't. And he doesn't deserve that Athena"
"Yes, we said don't be with that.... criminal! and frankly, I really don't object to that either, but when I see you and Jayden together, I ask myself, 'is she really happy?', and honestly, as much as I hate the idea, I would rather see you happy with a criminal, than miserable and trying with Jayden"

Heather's speech really hit home. I cried just listening to her. And everything she had said, was true. I had been hiding my feelings for Daniel, and it was killing me.

"You really have to make things right Athena. For yourself" she said, holding my cheeks in her hands as she pulled me in for a hug.

I stayed with Heather for some time, planning how I was going to tell Brady about this new development and mostly, how I would leave Jayden.

It hurt me to have to leave him. He was always there for me. Making me smile, and picking me up when I was down. He really didn't deserve a woman like me. I don't deserve him.

We agreed that Heather would tell Brady, she could handle him best. And I would tell Jayden.

I left her place and called Jayden to meet up with me for lunch. I was nervous and scared of how he'd react, but nevertheless, I was going to tell him and free him from me.

We met up at a local restaurant, when I saw him seated, waiting for me, through the glass windows. I stopped. I never wanted to hurt him. I walked in as he stood up to greet me, pulling out a chair for me.

"So, how's my lady doing?" he said cheerfully

I smiled, feeling so guilty and ashamed. I looked into his eyes as he asked me what was wrong.

"Jay" I said, holding his hands in mine, "I need to tell you something"

"Athena, is everything okay? What's wrong?"

"I don't know how best to say this without, hurting you...."

"You're breaking up with me, aren't you?" he said, letting go of my hands, leaning back into his seat, and smirking.


"Athena, it's crazy, but I've been waiting for you to break up with me for quite some time now" he said, holding my hand, "My coming into your life, during a rough period was a bit too convenient"
"I know who your heart belongs to. I don't know why, knowing this, I still chose to love you. Maybe, I don't know, I had this feeling that you'd eventually forget him if I showed you all my love. But I guess, it wasn't enough. That's also why I never brought up marriage, I also wasn't sure about that happening"

"Jayden" I whispered

"It's fine Athena. Honestly, maybe it's for the best. I love you, I really do" he said, caressing my cheek, "But I also want to see you happy, even if it's with another man, I'm fine with it"

"You really are one of a kind Mr. Ackerman. Thank you for everything" I said, standing to give him a hug.

"Hey" he called as I was about to leave, "If ever you need anything, anything at all, you can count on me okay"

I mouthed a soft thank you and walked out of the restaurant.

I was sad to have to find out that he had been feeling like that, but I was happy knowing we had left off on a good note. I was going to look for Daniel, where ever he was, and I would tell him how I felt, and finally say those three words back.

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