Chapter 32: Would You Change, For Me?

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Daniel's POV
I couldn't believe that all this was actually happening. She was in my arms, holding me. We were together. It felt too good to be true, but she made me believe it. Somehow, she had assured me that this was really happening.

We were seated in the study with her head on my shoulder as she read her favourite book to me. I didn't want to ruin it for her, I had read every book in this room, but she was so happy reading it to me. Besides, listening to her sweet, enchanting voice wasn't too much of a task.

We lay there like teenagers trapped in a floating cloud, a cloud I'd soon regret getting trapped in. I was so mesmerised by her that I let my guard down. This was all new to me, loving someone and being loved, was never something I was trained for.

As the sun set and she spoke yet some more, I couldn't help but feel nervous the whole time. In and out of my daze, she pulled me.

"Is everything okay Daniel?" she asked

"Stay here Athena" I said, placing her softly on the couch as I stood to grab my gun.

"Daniel, what's going on?" she asked, nervous, which was the last thing I wanted

I looked out the window with caution and saw nothing. I told her to stay seated as I proceeded towards the door. She looked scared as she softly whispered my name. Gesturing for her to stay silent, she obeyed.

My hand on the door handle, ready to open the door and ready to shoot, when the door flew open revealing complete chaos, as the whole place flooded with men in black shooting in all directions. Aim; kill anything in sight.

Shooting to kill, the only thing on my mind was Athena, her screams echoing in my ears, I was determined to keep her safe. Falling to the ground, feeling the pain surging through my body, I looked to my side and saw red. Almost in a trance, I heard her, screaming my name. Looking up, I saw them literally dragging her by the hair. I could feel the anger in me building up, in place of air.

Forcing myself to my feet with everything left in me, I pushed myself towards the man who had the guts to touch my Athena, beating him senselessly, and pushing her behind the couch.

Punching, breaking and shooting anything in my path, I felt a very familiar feeling. A side to me that I never wanted her to meet. The senseless, violent animal I was raised to be. I knew him all too well. That anger that held me hostage drove me to kill whatever was in sight.

I heard my men shouting for me as they came in running asking us to leave. I grabbed Athena by the hand in attempt to help her up. There was something about the way she looked at me. Almost like.... she wanted to run, from me.

Having helped her up, she stared at me and all of a sudden, passed out. I feared something had happened to her, that she was hurt. I picked her up and ran to the car with my men covering us. We got in and were driven away from the safe house. I looked around as to how we were invaded. Puzzled, I hissed and cursed at the situation we were in.


I shouted.

"Ugh!" I hissed in pain and frustration

We had arrived at our new hideout. Athena was fast asleep in my room. The doctor had treated by wound and was now checking Athena for any injuries.

I went downstairs and called for all my men. Angry, I walked in with one thing on my mind, the person who allowed all this to happen. He better have been dead, because I wouldn't spare his carelessness.

"Can someone tell me how we were invaded" I said
"Well?!" I shouted, "Are you all deaf or what?! I asked you, "WHO LET THIS HAPPEN?!"

Angry and on edge, I drew my gun and aimed at one of them, and shot him in the head.

I moved to the next in line.

"I don't have a problem killing all of you useless ingrates. So, start talking" I growled
"Who, let this happen?"

No answer.... I pulled the trigger. When I heard someone scream. Turning to the stairs, there she was, holding onto the railings for support, clutching her chest.

"Athena" I breathed out in disbelief.

Her eyes were so focused on the two dead bodies behind me. I walked towards her and knelt down to help her up, when she picked herself up and started running up the stairs.

Calling out to her, I ran after her, grabbing her and pinning her against the wall. She pushed me and struggled in my grip. Holding her arms, I restrained her trying to talk to her when she slapped me.

"Don't you dare touch me" she said, breathless and shaking.
"How is it so easy for you to take someone's life. What kind of man are you?! Do you have no conscience?!" she spat out

"Athena" I said, unable to look her in the eyes

"You said you'd change Daniel.... for me"

"Go to your room and don't make the mistake of coming out" I said after a long silence and turned to return downstairs.

"Or what?! Huh! You'll kill me as well? Since it's soooo easy for you to pull the trigger right, why not do it to me as well. I'd just be another dead body to add to your collection!"

"ATHENA!" I yelled, causing her to flinch in fear. The room went silent, my voice echoing in every corner.

She cried. I made her cry. She looked at my hand, I was still holding my gun and that too, tightly. She walked away from me slowly and ran to her room, locking the door behind her.

"I want you to find out who let them know of our safe house's location. Bring me one of those men and don't stop torturing him until he tells you exactly who sent him, do I make myself clear?"
"And get rid of these two!" I said

I went to my office; pacing around, restless, I stayed there for hours. I couldn't understand how they found us.

Did we have a mole in our group?

If we did, I had to find him, and fast.
I thought of Athena and how I hurt her.

Would she ever forgive me after seeing all that?
Would she give me a second chance, to prove myself?

As if getting raided wasn't headache enough, I had to deal with the fact that I would lose the only woman I loved. I had to fix this.

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