Chapter 40: New Beginning

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Athena's POV
It had been a month now after the incident with Daniel and Brady getting shot. I had been looking for an apartment of my own as I never wanted to go back to my home, given the things that happened in that house. I never wanted to remember all the bad memories.

It was a hectic process, which reminded me why I hated moving. It was so tiring.

I had found a vacant apartment a few blocks away from Heather's, with Jayden's help. He never did seem to leave my side after everything we had been through. Not that I wanted him to, he was really great company.

Unpacking boxes and putting things in order for this new chapter in my life was all I had been doing for weeks, and finally, my home was done. It was cosy and welcoming, just like me. It had simple vintage decor to my liking and my favourite in the corner of the living room; a big sofa, with warm fuzzy blankets and pillows, near my bookshelf. The best way I knew how to have fun--read.

"All done!" Jayden said coming from my room. He had been changing the light fixtures in the house.

It saved me money having to hire someone. Another reason why I liked having him around, he was so handy. Free labour in my opinion.

"Thank you so much Jayden" I said, finishing up with the dinning table.

"Looks great don't you think?" he commented

I looked around as I took in everything. It was my very own place that reflected me as a person. I was excited to see what life would bring my way.

"Now!" he said walking to the kitchen, "You have to cook for me in your new house miss O'Mara"

"What! Why?"

"Because, it's tradition"

"Oh yeah, in which state?" I said smirking

We laughed and drank wine as we cooked together. He could actually cook. We invited Brady and Heather for dinner. A small housewarming get together.

We ate and chatted till late, watching football and drinking wine. Brady finally had a guy in the group to relate with, which couldn't have come any sooner.

Heather and I cleared the table as the boys sat to watch the game. I looked at all that had happened with a positive mindset. We went through so much, and even almost broke up, but came out strong, and even added another member to our trio.

"I'm glad to see you happy Athena" Heather said, staring at me. "You've been through so much in such a short period of time, and you're still able to smile"

"That's because--" I said, wrapping my arm over her shoulder, "--I have amazing friends, who stand by me and keep me going" I said, giving her a kiss on her cheek

"You should also consider giving Jayden a kiss as well. He hasn't left you since, and, he makes you smile"

I scoffed, pushing her away as she laughed teasingly.

"I mean come on, does he even have a girlfriend, have you asked?" she asked

"Of course not. Why would I meddle in his personal life"

"He's been with you for a month now and you're telling me that you don't know his relationship status. What do you guys talk about?


"Oh Athens!" she complained, "Look at him" she said, squishing my cheeks to his direction, "He's handsome! And, charming too. He's perfect for you. And it's obvious he likes you"

"Oh shut up Heather"

"Athena, a man won't stay by your side, helping you, always there for you, if he doesn't have feelings for you, it's simple science really"

"'Science'?" I questioned

"Listen, the point I'm trying to make is, give yourself a chance to love and be loved. The man is right there, hoping, against hope"

"Oh don't be dramatic"

"Give it a try, open up. Who knows, he might just swoop you off your feet with those strong arms of his" she said, giggling as she walked to the guys

I won't lie, I did wonder why Jayden never left. It did cross my mind whether he was in a relationship. Not that I wanted to date him or anything, I was just curious.

I put away the glasses and plopped onto the sofa besides Heather and watched the game with them. I couldn't stop thinking about what Heather had said.

Could I give him a chance?
But then again, it's not like he confessed or anything.
Why get my hopes up on a mere hunch.

It was passed twelve when everyone decided to leave. Brady and Heather left first, after Heather suggested that Jayden stay longer to help me clean up.

I promise, she was a headache at times.

We cleaned up, putting everything away and it was time for him to leave.

"Thanks for being here Jayden" I said, "I really do appreciate it"

"It's no big deal Athena, don't mention it"

"I know, you must have a lot to do and I'm just here, always asking for your help like some damsel"

"I like it when you ask for help from me. At least I know you can call me when you need something"

"No really, I promise, I'll tone it down and leave you to your wor-"

I stopped, interrupted by his lips crushing onto mine. He had one hand wrapped around my waist and the other gently guiding my head, as ran his fingers through my hair ever so gently. He kissed me ever so passionately and made it last so long.

Realising what was going on, he quickly pulled away and turned away from me.

"I am, so sorry Athena" he said, running his hand through his hair, "I don't know what came over me"

"You only apologise for doing something you never wanted to happen" I said, playing with my fingers all shy and flushed red as butterflies surged through every corner of my stomach.

He turned to face me, and saw that I was smiling, flirting maybe

"Did you, want it to happen?" I asked in a cute voice

"And what will you do if I say yes?" he asked, getting closer to me

"Well.... I won't mind" I said, facing my feet and placing my hair behind my ear.

He huffed, placing his hand on my chin, lifting my head to face him and placed a small kiss on my lips.

That night or morning, I walked him to his car, walking hand in hand, unable to take it all in. We shared another kiss before he got into his car and I waved him off.

I skipped back to my apartment feeling so giddy. I locked the door behind me, threw myself on the couch, squealing into the pillow, feeling all sorts of butterflies in my stomach.

I have to tell Heather

I called her and told her everything that had happened. Screaming, giggling and squealing over the phone, we were like children who had just received candy.

I went to bed, feeling so happy and excited for what's to come, knowing I was now getting my life back on track. I dreamt of all the things me and Jayden would do together, and even went as far as picturing us in our own home, married with children.

"Wow, slow down girl"

Everything was going back to normal, as it should be.

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