Chapter 27: Another Side

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Athena's POV
It had been three weeks since I had seen Daniel, and with every passing day, I got more worried. I didn't know what to think anymore. If this was his way of needing space, it was NOT welcome.

I kept asking Claudius about him and he never did seem to know anything. I hated being in the house and the walls started to get tighter. Reading and walking around started to feel like a curse.

It was late out and yet another day had come to pass with me in this dreadful house. I couldn't sleep, so I decided to get a glass of milk, that would certainly put me to sleep. As I walked to the kitchen, I saw a dark figure moving across the living room heading to the back corridor.

I screamed
I fell
I jumped
I threw whatever I could get my hands on
I did everything

The figure turned to me as the guards came bolting in. The lights came on revealing a very familiar face.

"What's wrong with you?" Daniel asked

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!" I shouted, walking towards him and slapping him as hard as I could.
"How dare you ask me that! What's wrong with YOU?! You're the one who came in here like a thief after weeks of hibernation! I thought something had happened to you! Do you have any idea how worried I've been about you?! I waited for you to come home, every...freaking...night, you BASTARD!" I said slapping and pushing him.

I was overwhelmed, I couldn't control myself. I could feel my tears falling down my face, my cheeks getting hot and everything inside me getting tired. Yelling at him was a workout. I was really out of shape.

"Couldn't you even call to inform me that you were okay!" I said, the tears clouding my vision and my voice breaking.
"Where were you stupid?!" I shouted

He never did say anything. He just stood there looking at me speechless.

"You know what, forget it. I'm done with you. You do whatever it is you please! It's not like I have the right to know where the animal that's holding me in his house is, but noooo!" I said mumbling and stomping off to my room.

I stayed in my room and couldn't stop crying. I was hurt, scared, and frustrated with him. His whole presence annoyed me sick.
I didn't sit long when I was interrupted by a soft knock on my door.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted

I listened as the door slowly opened.

"What part of 'leave me alone' do you not under--!"

I spat out, angry, and was cut short when my eyes met his. I swallowed heavily and quickly looked away.

"Sorry for bothering you.... May I sit?" he spoke so softly that for a second, I almost answered him.

He closed the door, and I thought he had left. It somehow hurt me and my tears fell even more, when I suddenly felt something sit down beside me. I turned, he was still here. I looked away and hugged my knees.

"I'm sorry, I made you worry. It was never my intention to keep you on edge, I ju--"

"I was never on edge" I cut in

"Oh! You sure looked it" he said smirking

"I was never on edge! It's your house, you can leave whenever you please without telling anyone! Even if it's common courtesy and how people actually cohabit. But I guess you're not used to cohabiting" I said pouting.

"Wow, you really weren't on edge!" he said in what sounded like sarcasm.

"Are you mocking me?"

"Of course not, I'm just here to make peace....and talk, seeing as you really missed me"

"Wait....missed you?"

"Mm hmm"

"I didn't miss you!"

"Yeah, pretty sure you did"

"Well sorry to burst your bubble, but I NEVER MISSED YOU. On the contrary, I never even noticed you left, seeing as you left at night" I said crossing my arms and pouting, which I'm sure he noticed.

"Okay then. So, you wouldn't mind if I left again huh?"

I was speechless and wide-eyed at his question. Deep down, I never wanted him to leave again, I was lonely and I did miss his company.

"Just a question, I won't be leaving in a while. And I must say, you have a strong hand"


"The slap, I actually felt it. You're quite strong, and here I thought you were weak"

"Excuse me! I'll have you know, I was the best student in gym class AND, a was very athletic..."

I said standing up and talking with so much pride and drive like a child, as if anything I did came close to what HE could do.

He stared at me listening silently, smirking as if amused. So attentively, smiling and chuckling. I had never had a normal, fun, conversation with Daniel. He was so happy, and for the first time, I saw what Dean once told me about, 'another side' to this closed book.

His eyes glistening in laughter, his teeth white in comparison, complimenting his fair skin. He was not the monster I had perceived him to be.

He was so warm and welcoming. We talked for the rest of the evening. Well, I did most of the talking, he was more of a listener. I told random stories, and for a moment, I got to know the real man behind the fearful, respect demanding, power hungry, mask he wore.

There really was more to this man. For a long time, I feared getting close to him, I was so certain, he was some abusive, womanizing, controlling animal, quite the opposite. This man was more than what people saw him to be. And with this thought, I asked myself:

I judged him, cursed him, and insulted him. Everyone did this. And he just took it in. How bad does he feel when everyone fears getting close to him? When everyone runs away from him? When everyone has something to say about him because of what they think he is?

He must be so hurt

I wondered to myself, and something inside me wanted to be that person who gets close to him. Not because he forced me, but because I wanted to. And I would, because for the first time, I felt something, lingering in the corners of my heart, whispering lightly. I refused to listen, but I would and I'd follow it.

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