Chapter 38: Goodbye

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Daniel's POV
I was going crazy not knowing where Athena was, and worse, knowing that she was with some stranger. I swear, if he even dared to lay a hand on her, I'd kill him with my bare hands.

I finally got to the city

"Where could she have gone?" I wondered, "She was with that man for a ride, so maybe she wouldn't stay with him long. She doesn't have any close relatives near here, and the only reason she left was because she missed her-- She's with her friends"

Coming to that conclusion, I turned and sped through traffic like a madman, heading to Heather's place. I knew she couldn't have gone to Brady's because they had had a falling out.

I got to Heather's apartment and quickly went to her room. I rang the doorbell, waiting impatiently; no answer.

My patience ran out and turned to frustration. I started banging on the door in anger, calling for Athena, grabbing the attention of the neighbours.

"Excuse me" some lady called from behind me. I never even looked her way
"Sir!" she yelled, pissing me off even further

"WHAT!" I growled out, turning to her as she flinched in fear at my reaction

"H-Heather's not home" she stammered out

"Where is she?" I asked, walking towards her as she pressed herself further into her door, almost as though she wanted to merge with it, just to keep the distance between us.

"I-I don't know" she said holding onto her night gown

I walked away knowing she wasn't lying to me. I could spot a liar from a mile away, it was my best trait.

I got into my car and drove off to the last option; Brady.

Athena's POV
"Here you go sweaty" Heather said, handing me a mug of hot chocolate

We were huddled up on the couch as Brady got to know Jayden.

"Oh! I haven't formally introduced you yet" I said looking at Jayden, "This is Jayden" I said, gesturing my hand towards him, "Jayden, meet Heather and Brady, my lifetime friends and the closet thing I have to family" I said gesturing to Brady and Heather.

"New conquest already" Heather commented as she sipped her chocolate

"Heather!" I complained, snacking her thigh.

I saw Jayden smirking in the corner of my eye and felt so shy. I could feel myself blushing as our eyes met and we held eye contact for a while when Heather's phone rang, causing us to look away.

She excused herself and went to the kitchen as we remained talking. She wasn't gone long when she stormed into the living room.

"We have a problem!" she shouted

"What is it?" Brady asked, getting up from his seat

"It's Daniel" she said breathless, "he was at my apartment. Shelby said he was really mad and was banging on my door yelling for you"

My knees felt weak as I sat back down, feeling breathless and dizzy. I felt Brady hold my shoulder and say something, but I didn't get it. Jayden knelt down in front of me holding and rubbing my hand, which did help a bit. But before I could recover from the blow, I heard a loud knock at the door, nearly causing my heart to stop.

We all stayed silent as Brady mouthed to Heather to take me to the room.

"Athena" he called, in a low but deep and very terrifying voice, "I know you're there"

Brady was upset, and it showed. I never wanted Brady to go out after Daniel. I knew all too well what Daniel was capable of, I wasn't going to risk it.

Frustrated, he got up to open the door but I held his hand, holding him back. I forgot there was another.


He bolted for the door, pulling it open, and there he was, standing in the doorway. He looked at Jayden with so much anger in his eyes.

"What exactly don't you get man?! She doesn't want you! So get lost!" he scoffed

"Don't get involved in things that don't concern you" he snarled
"Athena" he called in a soft voice. I looked into his eyes and saw so much sorrow, hurt and regret. I wanted to go to him, but I couldn't.

"Get out of here!" Brady spat out, "Heather, take her" he commanded

Daniel tried to get into the house when Jayden shoved him. The look he gave him made me fear for his life.

"Did you not hear what I said?"

"Don't you dare touch me" Daniel said between gritted teeth. I could see the anger in his eyes, and literally felt it radiating off of him.

Brady, following Jayden outside, insulting Daniel even more, made the mistake of his life.

Clenching his fist, he swung his hand, punching him in the face, sending Daniel's head sideways. Like it's nothing, he recovered from it. He turned slowly, looking at Brady, so ready to strike, when all of a sudden, I heard a loud, deafening bang, followed by a loud groan of pain, and Brady on the ground.

Heather and I screamed in shock as we both ran to see if he was okay.

"Brady?!" I shouted, throwing myself to the ground as I looked at him clenching his shoulder

Looking up, I saw Daniel standing there, unmoved by what had just happened, with his hands in his pockets, looking down at Brady.

"Are you happy?!" I shouted, getting to my feet
"Does this make you happy?!"
"What kind of man are you? You go around hurting people and it doesn't even matter to you. To you they are just collateral damage right! Objects you can just get rid of when you feel like it!"

"Athena please" he begged as he tried to hold me
I shrugged his hands off
"Please, this wasn't supposed to happen Athena, I just wanted to talk to you"

"Oh spare me your lies! You came here to drag me back to your prison of a house!"

"No Athena! Why would I do that? You know I love you" he said looking sorrowful

"Really?! You love me?! WELL TO HELL WITH YOUR LOVE DANIEL!" I shouted, pushing him away, "I wouldn't love a man like you even if my life depended on it! Let alone live under the safe roof as you!" I said between gritted teeth.

He stood there, wide-eyed, and stared at me for a few seconds; hurt.

"If you should know.... I came here only to give you back your freedom. You don't have to be tied down, cooped up, in my house anymore.... I'm letting you go Athena.... And I apologies for destroying your life.... I really didn't intend to" he choked out, facing the ground, as he turned to walk away.

I don't know why, but I felt so bad for having said all those things to him. It now dawned on me that I had never really said it back to him, and now, he believed I hated him. He left believing I hated him, but really, I loved him.

What had I done? Daniel was gone, and with that, a piece of my heart with him. Would I ever see him again?

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