Chapter 16: The Lies That Bind

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Athena's POV
I was seated in the library reading when I stopped, feeling something cascading down my face. It felt wet. I was crying. I was missing my brother. Thoughts of Seven had been flooding my mind and leaving me helpless. Helpless in the sense that, I couldn't do anything. I was in a good place with Daniel, a place not even I understood, but he was still that man. The man everyone feared. The man who everyone wanted to kill but couldn't. He was still Daniel Terranova.

I wanted so badly to see my brother, but the courage, the courage to walk up-to him and ask to leave after all he had done for me, I lacked. I wanted to leave but I wanted to stay. I wanted to see Daniel every day. Why?

This was all confusing. My own feelings were confusing me, scaring me, haunting me. What should I do?

I was so deep in thought when the sound of a knock at the door startled me. The door opened at my command revealing Daniel. He was dressed in this amazing dark blue sweater that he'd rolled up it's sleeves which really complimented his muscular body, paired with dark Blue Jeans. He still had his scars and the cast, but he made it work. He looked...amazing.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you" he said

"What! No, no, really, you're not. You're a welcome change in scenery" I said

"Were you crying?" he asked looking concerned

"Um, no. I just read something that really touched my heart"


"Do you need anything?" I asked after the long awkward silence

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you"

"What about?"

"Athena....Dean will accompany you to your house tomorrow morning. I'll see to it that you get there safely. And you don't have to worry about Zara, I'll take care of her and she won't bother you again"

Honestly, when he said those words, I can't say I was happy. Yes, I missed my friends and my life, but I wanted to be here. With him.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I'm sure you miss your friends and mostly your brother. So, you will be with them by noon tomorrow, latest"

"....but, why? I mean, what if...."

"What is it?" he asked

"Nothing. Thank you" I said looking away

He walked out and I never saw him for the rest of the day. I didn't understand why I wasn't excited to be going back home. I was lost within myself.

I was sad because Daniel was sending me away. I was mad that he was sending me away. I mean why? Why did he ask Dean to take me? Didn't he want me anymore?

I went to my room and started packing my things. By the time I was done, it was late. I stepped out for dinner and saw Daniel's room down the hall. He and I had never really had dinner together. I wonder if he even ate.

I walked towards his room and knocked on the door. His deep masculine voice captivated me as he allowed me to enter. I walked in and saw him on his desk going through files. He had his gun placed on his table which reminded me of who I was dealing with again.

He turned and saw me standing there and quickly put away his gun. I appreciated the fact that he cared about my comfort.

"Athena. Do you need anything?" he asked


"No, not really. Why?"

"I was just wondering if you had had your dinner yet. I mean, you are on medication and you do need the vitamins to recover faster"

"No. I haven't eaten"

"Well, I don't like eating alone and we have never really eaten together before and seeing as this is my last night here, maybe you could spare a few minutes to eat with me. You did just bring me here, kind of owe me one"

"Sure. I'll eat with you Athena, anything for you" he said

His eyes looked so clear. I could tell that they had so many stories to tell. He was so different from how people portrayed him. From how I once portrayed him.

We ate together that night, for the first time. We talked and ate. Well, I did most of the talking. Daniel was never a man of many words. He was very quiet. His eyes did most of the talking. He was more of a listener. He spoke only when spoken to, almost like clock work. He only commented when the need arose. He was so mysterious, and I wanted to unlock every mystery.

That night I saw a different side of Daniel. The more cheerful side. I never saw him smile often, but when he did, it was as if he had been longing for some joy.

We spoke for hours. We were seated in my favourite room in the house, the library. We spoke of stories from the books we had read. We stayed up late and I fell asleep on the couch.
The following morning, I woke up in my bed. I knew I slept on the couch, how did I get here?

I took a long hot shower and thought of my way home and what I'd tell everyone when I got back. I was excited, but still not. I got ready and got my things ready to go.

I stepped out and went downstairs and saw Daniel in his signature black suit. He really looked good in it. He was standing at the centre of his men.

"Good morning" I greeted

"Good morning. I hope you're well rested?"

"Yes, thanks but, I could swear I slept on the couch last did I get to my room?"

"I put you to bed. I hope you're not mad. The couch looked pretty uncomfortable"

"Thank you. I just hope I wasn't too heavy?"

Wow! I'm I flirting with him!

"Huh, nothing I can't handle" he said laughing underneath his breath.
I could feel my cheeks flushed. I was so going to strangle myself after this.

I sat and watched as Daniel gave instructions to his men. I was excited to see Seven, he must have been so worried.

"Are you ready?" he asked


"Dean will make sure you get home safe"

"Um....why not you?" I asked

"I have to take care of a few things"

A part of me was a little disappointed that he wasn't taking me home. But then again, my friends were the worst and they would give him hell if they saw him. Maybe it was for the best.

He walked me to the door and for a second, I wanted him to stop me. I was walking to the car when I looked back to see him for the last time. I thought I would never see him again and that scared me.

I had to say something, even just a word

"Thank you" I said

"For what?"

"Everything. You took me into your home and risked your life to protect me. You took care of me, thank you Daniel"

"You don't have to thank me Athena. I'm just glad that you're safe. I will always be there for you when you need me. And, never forget this, you will always have a room in this house"

I got into the car as Dean drove off. I watched as the house disappeared into the wilderness. Hearing those words come from his mouth made me smile, he had given me a place in his house, in his life.

Did I really mean something to him?

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