Chapter 21

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I'm back, and this book is coming to an end soon. Please stay tuned to find out (Y/n)'s, or rather your fate. This book will most likely be rewritten.

⚠TW: graphic/disturbing scenes⚠


3rd person POV

Her heart pounded in her chest, and her legs burned. Several pieces of glass stuck out from her feet. The demon's lungs felt like they were being ripped out, but that didn't stop her from breathing hard.

Her companion, Kiari, ran beside the woman. Both females were panting, their hands clenched tightly together. Her blue hair was held in a ponytail, and her red dress was stained with blood. Who's blood was unknown, but blood nonetheless.

"(Y/n)," The demon howled, beelining around trees, "(Y/n)!"

The young woman glanced behind her, teary eyed. What was behind her horrified her and she couldn't bear to look. "Why me, why me," her thoughts bounced around frantically.

(Y/n)'s POV

Slowly, I drifted into consciousness. Tears rolled down my cheeks, and fell onto my night wear. Rolling over, I laid my eyes on a sleeping figure.

Liu layed next to me, sleeping deeply. My heart ached, and yearned for the comfort of my own home. Although I found my life here glamorous at first, those feelings slowly died away and I began to realize this was not the place for me.

I wished I had never found out about my abilities. I wished my soulmate wasn't a homicidal maniac. I wished these nightmares would just leave me alone. Yeah, nightmares, that's all they were... totally.

Despite all my wishes though, none of it came true.

Kiari layed her hand softly on my shoulder, causing me to jump at her cold touch. Her eyebrows were furrowed with worry, and her lips were pinched shut in a thin line. Slowly, I sat up and lit a lantern.

We stared at each other for a moment. My bottom lip quivered and my whole body shook. My eyes shot towards the door when it opened and instepped the one and only, Slenderman.

Kiari quickly vanished, yet I could tell she was still there. The tall being watched me as my form shook, haunted by the gruesome images my dreams had revealed. "Dreams often tell us warnings," my mother's voice cooed.

I remembered when she told me that. I had just started reading a book about dreams and spiritual representations.

I wiped my tear stained cheeks, looking Slenderman one last time, before putting out the lantern. My arms wrapped tightly around Liu, and I could only fear what comes next.

Purple (Homicidal Liu x reader) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now