Chapter 19

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(Y/n)'s POV

It's cramped, I can't see. The only thing I can hear is the voice of Liu who is holding my prison, and the faint tune of the music box.

Despite feeling claustrophobic, I was in a black room. It seemed endless. Infront of me, there was a screen of light, showing Liu. The air was thin, and I was still deformed and spiked.

"(Y/n).." a female voice whispered, "(Y/n), calm down."

My breath hitched, tears brimming my eyes. "WHO ARE YOU!?" I yelled, catching the attention of Liu. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?"

The voice responded quietly, "(Y/n), breathe. My name is Kairi. I'm here to help you."

My hands shook and I squinted my eyes tightly. After a few minutes, I opened my eyes. Infront of me stood a woman. She had long flowing blue hair, and was dressed in a firey red outfit. Her skin was tanned, her eyes were yellow. Her body type matched mine and I felt myself admiring.. and blushing slightly.

A soft smile settled on her lips, she seemed to find my expression amusing. Blink a few times, I looked her in the eyes. "Sorry.." I muttered, "You're really pretty!"

"Thank you." She responded quietly. Walking towards me, she stopped infront of me. Her tan hand grasped mine and I jumped at how cold it was. "You are a demon, love. But, a special type of demon."

3rd person

(Y/n)'s eyes widened, "what?" She asked, half expecting it to be a dream. Please be a dream. The (h/c) haired woman pleaded, but her thoughts echoed along the empty space.

The other woman, who stood a few inches taller than (Y/n), tightened her grasp. She didn't say anything, no, instead she put the tip of her nail on (Y/n)'s forehead. "It's alright, darling. Just breathe."

The (e/c) eyed woman followed her instructions, taking a deep breath, her eyes closed and she fell to the ground with a thud.

Meanwhile, outside the box..

Lazari paced, upset that somehow she was dragged into this. Slender watched Liu as he sat with his head in his hands.

Even though Liu hadn't known (Y/n) for long, he felt connected with her. Attached. He felt like he needed to protect her, so the fact that she was not by his side was eating him alive.

Their worries were quickly eradicated when a noise begun. All eyes turned to Liu as he stared blankly at the name. (Y/n)'s phone was ringing.

The name..?

"Big Bro❤💖💞"

Purple (Homicidal Liu x reader) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now