Chapter 20

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3rd POV

Every one stared at the phone, not sure exactly what to do

They let it go to voicemail, before it quickly started ringing again. Liu looked to Slender, worry in his eyes.

The tall, faceless, male shrugged. He placed a hand on Lazari and returned her to her Aunt's home. When he returned, a bright purple light flashed, and then (Y/n) layed limp on the bed.

Liu quickly cupped her cheek, her eyes opening slightly. "Wha..?" She whispered, her skin returning to it's natural tone and her spikes and horns retracting into her body.

She felt weak, so Liu left her to rest.

In a different place, a certain clock eyed woman watched (Y/n) through a portal. Her eyes were fixed on the (h/c) haired adult.

(Time skip 4 weeks.)
(Y/n)'s POV

I grumbled angrily as I walked into Liu's room. We had found out I was a type of demon, and since then I've had to eat rather odd things to stay out of the music box.

Kairi had been following me for a while and I seemed to be the only one who could see her. I guess she had some sort of grudge against Slenderman because she glared everytime we saw him.

I called my brother and told him I was staying in a disclosed location with my soulmate for a while, and he seemed fine with it.

Anyways, back to what I was doing. I flopped down onto Liu's bed, crossing my arms. "Vinyl are probably the best medium because the material is relatively soft so it's easier to eat. Cassettes are a pain in the ass because you can't eat the shell, you have to wind out all the music yourself to eat it. I hate cassettes," I rambled.

He raised an eyebrow and glanced at me, "good to know."

Liu's POV

Ever since we found out (Y/n) was a demon, she's been consuming different types of music. Mainly Vinyl and Floppy Disks, but occasionally she'd eat some sort of disk or cassette.

It was interesting. Sometimes she'd eat strange genres, like the other day she had 'WAP' and started acted weird. She had started acting like a succubus.

So, that's our life for now.

Purple (Homicidal Liu x reader) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now