Chapter 7

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(Y/n)'s POV

THE Trenderman stood in front of me. It took me a couple minutes of staring to grasp the concept of my situation, but when it hit me, it hit me like a truck and I fell to the floor.

"Jesus Christ." I muttered.

Trender put a hand on his hip, and impatiently tapped his foot. "Get on with it human." He said, clearly agitated.

I stood back up, and blinked. "I'm sorry," I replied, "I just realized my soulmate is a serial killer, and a LITERAL GAY ICON is standing right in front of me."

Trender nodded understandably. "Anyways, is there something you would like?" I asked.

"An iced coffee would be nice, also, I looked through your closet, and I really need to do something about your fashion." He rambled slightly.

I nodded, "one iced coffee coming up, and feel free to swap my clothes, BUT I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU TOUCH MY HOODIES, BLOOD WILL SPILL!"

"Understood," he said shuddering slightly.

While I was making his iced coffee a thought popped in my head. Why is he so scared of me? I'm just a human, aren't I? I glanced back at Trenderman who was sitting at my island sketching.

When I was finished making the drink, I placed it in front of him, and stood on the other side of the island. "Hey Trender?" I asked.

He looked up from his sketch. "Hmm?"

"Why are you scared of me? I mean, am I not just a mere human?"

Trender didn't respond, instead he just ripped his skin open to form a mouth, and placed the straw of the drink in his mouth.

I shrugged, and pulled out my phone.


(Y/n) did you die?

Joker reject


Happy boi


I liked her!

Faceless tree

Liu, did the flower at your heart change colour?


Faceless tree

Then she's fine.


Knowing Trender, he's probably sitting beside her, being gay, and judging her fashion choices.

Chicken nugget GOD


Toby you're right

This is so fucking weird

He LiTeRaLlY wOnT tAlK tO mE uNtIl I'm WeArInG aN oUtFiT hE aGrEeS wItH!!

Gayest tree

That's because her fashion taste is trash!

Chicken nugget GOD


You seem to be forgetting that you came into MY house and you're drinking MY drinks.

You should be thankful.

(Trender and I looked up from our phones, I gave him a glare and he immediately looked back down.

Gayest tree



Chicken nugget GOD

I don't understand why you're so scared of me!!

Gayest tree

You JUST gave me a death glare.


Are we going to intervene????


nah, I'm enjoying the entertainment

Chicken nugget GOD


Don't tell me YOU'RE not watching me ASWELL


Then I don't know what to tell you.

Chicken Nugget GOD

Jesus Christ.


After I sent that, Offenderman, Slenderman, Splendorman, Toby, AND Liu came out.

"Liu, not you too." I sighed.

"Aight," I said reaching over and picking something up, "I can't just let you get away with watching me." I revealed the object to be a sandal. Almost immediately all the boys ran from the room, me chasing after them. But then, Offenderman stopped, he turned to me and whispered, "I'd be fine with you hitting me, as long as it's you."

I stopped dead in my tracks, and looked at him. "Is that so?" I asked, a smirk forming on my lips.

My eyes started to burn, and pains erupted throughout my body. I felt a strange sense of power and bloodlust before I passed out. I'll have to ask him about this when I wake up.

Purple (Homicidal Liu x reader) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now