Chapter 9

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Holy crap, how is this book so popular!?
Do y'all really like scarfboi that much??


(Y/n)'s POV

"Do you ever feel disconnected to the world."

Taken aback by Slender's question, I completely froze. "In what way?" I asked, pushing stutters down.

Slender tilted his head, "do you feel you're not living in reality? Or perhaps you only see the truth?"

Sighing, I uncrossed my arms, and stood up straight. "Yes." He nodded, seemingly satisfied with my response. "But what does that have to do with you being scared of me?"

"Well, (Y/n), I can't say for sure, but you're not exactly a human. What you are is still a mystery to me." He replied, before completely disappearing.

I glared at the spot he was standing, and said a very loud, "rude."

Eventually giving up on being outside, I walked back to my car, and headed home. However, as soon as I opened the door, a knife flew passed my face, and got stuck in the wall.

I stood frozen in the door gazing at the thrower. A killer, with pasty white skin, no eyelids, and a cut smile, stood arm still outstretched from throwing the knife. Blinking at him a couple times, I pulled the knife from the wall, and handed it to him.

"Trying to kill me now?" I asked with a chuckle, "I thought you deemed me worthy."

He took the knife back, and looked at me. "Where were you?"

"Talking to Slenderman the almighty." I replied walking into the kitchen, and pouring a cup of juice.

Jeff snickered, "learn anything?"




"Figured." Jeff sighed.

I finished my glass, and placed it on the counter. "So, why are you here?"

"Can't I just come by to check on you?"



"No," I answered, crossing my arms.

He let out a long exasperated sigh, "Liu's been missing you."

Placing my glass in the dishwasher, I didn't turn back. A long sigh  left my lips, "I highly doubt that."

"No seriously, he was super worried when you passed out. We had to forcibly drag him out." Jeff deadpanned.

I turned back to look at him, "Why didn't he text or call me then?"

"He did."

Pulling out my phone, my eyes locked on the multiple notification. I mouthed an "Oh," and called him back. He picked up immediately.

(Italics-Liu speaking, underline-you speaking, bold-someone in the background.)

"(Y/n)! Oh my Zalgo, are you okay!?"

"Yes Liu, I'm fine. Jeff stopped by, and put a hole in my wall."

"He did WHAT!?"

"Its no big deal."

"Right, right. Are you doing anything tonight?"

"No, I'm not doing anything. Why don't you come over?"

"Sure, see you then,"

I smiled, and put the phone down. Jeff had left while I was on the phone, and now I was left alone.

Purple (Homicidal Liu x reader) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now