Chapter 1

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Shout out to hi_im_sOcAiL_AnXeItY for suggesting this story!!!

(Y/n)'s POV

Today's the day! My 18th birthday! I've been waiting for this day ever since I was only 6 years old. I roll out of bed and brush my (h/l) (h/c) hair. I turn to the mirror. My (e/c) eyes stare back at me. I quickly check my body for any marks.

That's it! Right there! A black (favourite flower) wraps around my ankle by a green vine. My soulmate can control this flower, I should have one too, one that I can control. I scan my body again, then I spot it. A vine is growing around my wrist. The vine wraps around and a (f/c) flower bud emerges from the center of the vine.

The (f/c) blossoms into a tiger lily. Okay, let's test this, I think. I hover my hand over the flower and imagine the vines reaching out to touch the person's ankle. A (f/c) blob appeared on my ankle showing that it worked, I then imagined the sentence "hiya soulmate!" written on their leg. I felt a tingle on my leg and I looked down to see it worked! Where the blob was there was now my handwriting on my leg.

I smiled and got ready for the day. Maybe I can meet my soulmate! After we meet our soulmate flowers bloom from all over our bodies, the flowers allow you to feel, see, hear, and smell what your soulmate does. A special rose blooms from where your heart is and it changes colour based on the state your soulmate is in.

My teacher told me what they mean last year.
Red-critical health/dying.
Orange-minor injuries.
I also learned that the colour and type of the flowers are your soulmate's favourite. So the reason the (favourite flower) on my ankle is black is because that's they're favourite colour.

It's kind of confusing but that's the way the universe made it. I put on a blue croptop, black skinny jeans, black converse, and a dark green hoodie. Running downstairs I grab a piece of toast and sprint out the front door. Once I get to my class room I slide into my chair at the back and stare at my wrist waiting for an answer from my soulmate.

???'s POV

Sitting downstairs I eat my breakfast when I get a strange tingling on my left wrist and right leg. (Same place that (Y/n) got her flowers.) I look down and see vines sprouting from my skin. A black (favourite flower) blooms from the vines growing out of my ankle, and a (f/c) tiger lily blossoms from my wrist.

"What the hell-" I hear a familiar voice question from behind me. I turn to see that everyone has different coloured flowers in different places. It appears that I'm the only one with them on my ankle and wrist. Strange.

Suddenly, a tingling forms on my ankle and I look down to see feminine (f/c) handwriting. "Hiya soulmate!" It said. Wait...soulmate?!

Purple (Homicidal Liu x reader) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now