Chapter 6

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(Y/n)'s POV

"No, you're the slut. I didn't cheat on my husband with my child's teacher." I cut her off angrily. Ugh! I just wanted to get my chicken nuggets and go!

Nikki's face turned a bright red, that you could barely see under all that makeup. She grumbled something before turning around, and stomping away. I sighed, turning back to the boys. "So, what can I get y'all?"

The boys all looked at each other before Jeff spoke up. "Hehehe, can we have you?"

I choked on the air that I was breathing. "Excuse me!?" I asked.

BEN piped in, "we have deemed you worthy.

"Deemed me worthy? Oh gee, thanks." I replied sarcastically. "No, but seriously, did you come here for something?"

Liu held out his hand, "come with us."

This made me break out into a large fit of hysterics. The boys shared a confused look while I broke down. "No, I don't think that'll be happening," I said regaining my posture, "I'm normally a trusting person, but I don't even know y'all, EJ could be like a cannibal, and the rest of y'all could be serial killers that live in the woods."

All the boys shared another glance. "SHE'S ONTO US!" Toby and Sally yelled. The group ran away, and I just stood there dazed.

What...the fuck? Did...did I get it right? Are they murderers? I'm so fucking confused.

When I got home I decided to send them a message.

Chicken nugget GOD

First, I changed my name because you mortals didn't get it right.

Second, what happened earlier.




Smol bean



Y'all shut up, you're freaking her out.


How do you know?


I can see her leaves literally quivering.

Chicken nugget GOD

Shush up.

I'm not scared,

I'm just cold.




Joker reject

Liu, I think you need to go over there and cuddle her.

Chicken nugget GOD


You stay away!

Purple (Homicidal Liu x reader) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now