Chapter 3

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???: my name is...

Bean: is?

???: is...Liu.

Bean: well then, Liu! It's nice to meet cha!

Liu: you too...

Bean: what wrong? You seem a

Liu: I'm fine.

Bean: alright...hey I'm going to bed, I'll talk to you later, oki?

Liu: okay, goodnight.

Bean: night!

I turned off my phone and went to bed.

The next morning, I brushed my hair and teeth, and got dressed as usual.

It was Saturday, so I figured I should visit my brother. I got dressed and grabbed some breakfast.

When I arrived at my brother's house, I knocked on the door. His girlfriend, Alissa, answered the door. "(N/n)! What brings you here?" She asked.

I smiled, "Hey Al! I came to visit!"

Alissa nodded and let me in. Her house was tidy and neat. Her Corgi, Augi, ran up to me. I giggled and knelt down to pet him. His fur was soft, and he melted into my touch.

Augi barked at me, and ran in circles. My brother, Jake, then came downstairs. "Hey (n/n)." He said ruffling my hair. I laughed and batted his hand away.

"You're gonna mess up my hair!" I joked. Jake chuckled.

"I see you got your soulmate." He noted, pointing out my flowers.

Heat rised to my cheeks, and I looked down. "Yeah," I smiled. "His name is Liu." I responded, stroking the vines.

Alissa giggled, "well, send him a message! I want to talk to him!" She exclaimed.

I smiled, and nodded, "okay." My vines rustled slightly, and a simple message appeared on my leg. "Hey Liu! I'm at my brother's house, and his soulmate wanted to talk to you."

We sat at the island in their kitchen, and we joked around while we waited for a response.

Suddenly, a tingling starts on my wrist. I look down at my right wrist and see black, masculine hand writing. "Hey (y/n)!" I smiled at the writing.

Alissa peered over my shoulder and squealed. I looked at her confused, she had a huge grin on her face. "My little (n/n) has a soulmate!!"

I blushed and looked away. Then the tingling started again, I looked back down at my wrist. "I'm just heading back to the mansion, we can talk later."

"HOLY SHIT! MANSION???" I yelled. My sudden outburst caused a vine to shoot out of my wrist and pierce through a cabinet door.

Liu's POV

I was walking home with Jeff, EJ, and Sally, when I got a tingling sensation on my leg. I rolled up my pant leg and looked down at it. It was (y/n). I don't know why, but the fact that she contacted me made me happy. "Hey Liu! I'm at my brother's house, and his soulmate wanted to talk to you."

I growled a bit at the "brother's" part, but he was her brother so there's no reason to be jealous. I decided to respond. "Hey (y/n)!" I was so busy in thought that I didn't hear someone creeping up on me.

I decided I should tell her what I'm doing. "I'm just heading back to the mansion, we can talk later." I stated.

I was about to continue walking, when suddenly a vine shot out of my wrist and pierced through something. I followed the vine and discovered it when straight through a news reporter's heart.

Holy shit. I thought. She just killed a person.

Purple (Homicidal Liu x reader) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now