Chapter 23 [Final Chapter]

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TW: Gore


(Y/n)'s POV

"What's going on," I asked, dragging the words out. I looked cautiously between the two, my eyes scanning around the room looking for Kiari.

Liu's hands stayed firmly on my shoulders, causing anxiety to build up in me. I wanted out, I needed out. His left hand stroked the vines covering my body and stopping at the one on my chest.

His fingers danced around the petals. I pulled my feet up and kicked him off me, hurrying to my feet and making a break for the door. My brother chased after me, catching me just before I could make it.

My brother's hands wrapped tightly around my wrist, causing me to cry out. He held eye contact with a look that could kill, "why didn't you answer my messages, (Y/n)?"

Tears whelled up in my eyes, and the next thing I knew my sibling was laying on the ground unconscious. Above him stood Kiari, but Liu stood up and quickly dashed for us.

Kiari grabbed my arm, pulling me out the door and down the street, "we need to get slender," I yelled over the wind, looking desperately at my friend.

She shook her head violently, "don't!"

But I didn't listen.


We beelined through the trees, my eyes trailing behind us. There stood the one and only, Slenderman. Beneath him was Liu and my brother, both laying. My brother was bloodied and unconscious.

Liu on the other hand, his organs were scattered everywhere. The flowers on my body began to droop, dying right before my very eyes. The main flower flashed sparatically, blue, green, red, yellow, orange, black, and... purple.

Kiari yanked me out the way as a tendril came flying in my direction, piercing a tree in it's path. My grip tightened, suddenly going numb. I fell to the ground, my body completely paralyzed.

A tendril picked me up by the neck, holding me at eye level to Slenderman. "Why," I wondered aloud in a husky voice, feeling the blood run down my forehead.

He didn't respond, squeezing my neck. I felt the blood sputter out as it broke. The man released his grip, allowing me to fall to the ground. I layed limp, as my world went black. A vague silhouette stood in the darkness, "you're more than just a demon."

The figure faded away, and I remained in the darkness, letting it consume me. Slowly, the life faded from my form, I won't let it end like this.

The End

Purple (Homicidal Liu x reader) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now