Chapter 22

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(Y/n)'s POV

My hand was clasped tightly in Liu's as we made our way towards the city. We were headed home. Every five minutes, I'd glance behind me, and pick up my pace.

My eyes turned to Liu who looked down at me, calmly. As my (h/t) came into sight, I broke out into a sprint. My (h/c) locks flew in the wind behind me as I excellerated in speed. Not stopping until I got to my brother's house, I pounded heavily on the door.

The worried expression from my childhood met my view, and I crashed into him with the strength of a thousand storms. Tears flooded from my eyes. My legs shook like jelly, I could barely even stand.

Behind me, I heard Liu. His breathes were sharp, "jesus, (Y/n)," he gasped, "you're fast."

I released my brother, wiping salty tears from my face. Suddenly, my knees grew weak and my world turned black.


Kiari stood in front of me, her hair flowing in the wind. She extended her hand, which I took graciously. Her hands were warm, unlike how they normally were.

The woman held the my hand tightly, and lead us through the forest. Eventually stopping at a large tree. I released Kiari's hand, my own coming up and running it along the bark. Why did this place feel so familiar?

Turning my head to the left, I spotted a familiar figure. Tall, about eight feet, and superior. Staring at it, I watched it before suddenly the being was gone. A tendril eroded through my stomach and I screamed out, grabbing both the tree and reaching for Kiari, but the pain couldn't mask what I saw hidden in the trees.


"(Y/n)," my brother gasped as the light hit my eyes. Groaning, I shuffled in my spot, realizing I was now on the couch. Infront of me stood two figures, but the moment I came back to reality I jolted awake.

My fingers ran over my hair, my eyes wide. I found myself rubbing my stomach and back. I was fine. My eyes caught onto Liu, and I stood up, but was quickly ushered back down. "No, no, no," Liu tutted, holding his hands on my shoulders, "stay seated."

I looked confused between the two, before I caught on to a darkness looming in both the male's eyes.

Purple (Homicidal Liu x reader) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now