Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s POV

School ends and I still haven't gotten a response from my soulmate. I figure maybe I should give them my number instead. So, I imagine my phone number appearing on my leg.

There, I continue to wait for the bus as I get a message from an unknown number.

???: Hey!

Bean: Hey? Are you my soulmate?

???: apparently? What is this talk about a soulmate? I've never heard of it...


???:...I don't really remember things..

Bean: I'm sorry if I upset you! It's just a shock to me, I've never met someone who has never heard about soulmates.
Bean: anyways, so soulmates are pretty much the person the universe decided you are ment to be with. That flower on your ankle? You control it. Just like I control the one on my wrist. Are your favourite flowers tiger lillies?

???: ok first of all, the universe decided who we love? Second, how do I control the flower? Yes my favourite flowers are tiger lillies, is your favourite flower (favourite flower)?

Bean: yes, the universe knows us for it created us, you control the flower by imagining what you want it to do. Yes (favourite flower) is my favourite! Try moving the vines of your flower.

???: okay.

The (favourite flower) starts to move slightly, and the vine reaches out and grabs my hand. I hold the vine and softly stoke the leaves. The bus rolls up and I spend the rest of the day talking to my soulmate.

???: I never got your name.

Bean: (y/n), you can call me (n/n). What about you? What's your name?

???: my name is...

Purple (Homicidal Liu x reader) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now